We finally have a "publish" button for our dynamic SCORM packages! This has been requested by many of our customers, especially our large enterprise customers who want to make sure everything looks right before updating a lesson/course for your learners.
Mindsmith has been pioneering the next phase of eLearning packaging with dynamic SCORM, and thanks to Patrick Elzinga we finally have the last piece of the puzzle. Introducing: Change Staging. Dynamic SCORM has many benefits but one of the biggest downsides (until today!!) has been not being able to decide when changes made it to the learners. You don't want to be making changes while learners are going through the lesson, and often you need approval to deploy changes to the LMS. Now you can choose exactly when those changes make it to the LMS, or use that same process for public link sharing. Funny enough when I was working at BYU-Pathway Worldwide on English learning curriculum, we would stay up until 1 am to make changes because thats when we thought there would be the least learners. One way I tell the Mindsmith origin story is productizing all of the little solutions I came up with there. All of those + AI make Mindsmith so much more efficient to work in and out customers love it. In honor of this, I wrote a "Comprehensive Guide to Dynamic SCORM" for anyone interested in how it works. https://lnkd.in/gHCU8NRC