Let's start by quoting Eleanor Roosevelt,
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."
But the problem is when you get beaten down hundreds, thousands, millions of times subtly, all of a sudden you start thinking, "Crap, I'm kind of a little bit gun-shy here."
So we have hundreds and thousands of references where we did not win the game, and people will encourage that behaviour. "You poor thing," and instead of empowering the victor, they empower the victim.
This is important.
So as we go on in life ... over and over again you have a choice.?
You can choose whether or not you embrace and empower the victor or the victim ...
... and playing the victim will be easy because you won't have to do anything.
You can play victim and people will go, "Oh, you poor thing. You had alcoholic parents. Poor you. Oh, you're short. Poor you. Sport's much harder. Of course, it's harder for you in sports. Poor you. You had to move 14 times in 14 years. Oh, you poor thing."
And what happens is ... what meaning do you give it?
Somewhere along the lines you have to decide - am I going to embrace and live as a victor or a victim? It's my choice just like it's your choice.
But here's where it becomes important.
YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE. If you don't choose, the victim wins.
And so what happens is we're looking at this, and negative emotions will arise.
OMG, I'm in such overwhelm.?I?don't know if I can do it.
OMG, I'm in so much fear.?I don't know if I can do it.?
OMG, I'm in so much despair.
OMG, I'm in so muchpain , I don't know."
Guys, I get it.
But guess what??Those are the patterns that have been conditioned in your brain.?Whatever you go to, that's your go-to emotion.
Have a long hard think about this next statement ...
This is the difference between victim and victory for everything in life ... here's what makes a winner.
??He consistently chooses to go to having fun.?
??He chooses to find fulfilment or gratitude.?
??He conditions it, over and over again, until it becomes his default.
Without an intentional declaration of that, people default to something like fear, like despair, like suffering.
So what happens is when we do that, it not only doesn't serve you, it doesn't serve your family, your clients, your team.
Only YOU hold this power over your default ... no one else on the planet.
Just YOU.