Planning is the key !
Why I’m not working the DNC. In our business, we have been preparing our clients for the eventualities of protest and random active violence, as the summer gets going, the shootings follow suit. Preparation and awareness are the key, but once things are there, it’s nearly impossible to adjust quickly, as it’s just too late. Taking the six or twelve months beforehand to prepare for what’s already happening, is what works. Trying to do so the week or two before a national convention, during war protests, and then throwing in the out of control violence, and you’ve missed your opportunity. Progressive ideals are great on paper, but they do not work pragmatically. A balance of enforcement with opportunities is what works. Unfortunately, for the 103+ people that were either killed or shot this weekend, it’s a little late for them. The false & naive promises from the City government are being shown to be just that, and clearly.