Over the past month our student researchers have participated in 2 poster presentations here at FAU. Their hardwork, dedication, and passion for their projects was rewarded in turn with ??Shan Damas?? receiving 2nd place at the FAU Spring Research Symposium. This past Friday was the FAU Science Festival and on top of presenting research the MIC hosted a table explaining all the different disciplines and topics that Microbiome research can cross paths with. Our director Nwadiuto (Diuto) Esiobu Ph.D. who has a passion for igniting interest in the world of microbes was present to educate young students on the magnificent microscopic world around them! Thank you to the student researchers who participated in the events this year: Joel Edouard , Shania Henry , Shan Damas, and Jon Declan Sullivan Thank you to all those who made the research and events possible: Deena , Michael Botey , Stephanie Toleno , Nwadiuto (Diuto) Esiobu Ph.D. And once more congratulations to ??Shan Damas?? for recieving 2nd place at the FAU Spring Symposium this year!