A report from the Bilkent University, Department of Communication and Design in Turkey: "On April 3rd, Wednesday. COMD 210 Introduction to Screenwriting students participated in the Collaborative Story Craft Workshop, facilitated by educator, story mediator, and writer Paulo de Tarso F. Silva (Brazil/Finland). The screenwriter, filmmaker, and former COMD instructor Geneviève Appleton accompanied Mr. Silva during the workshop. Together, we tried to answer the question, “What is your own Story as a storytelling practitioner?” We told our own personal stories and listened to our friends’ stories. We were amazed at the deeper connections we could build through this practice of sharing." Text and photos by Fulten Larlar With Andreas Treske *We want to express our deepest appreciation to the new friends, Faculty members and students who made the event so meaningful and memorable! This event was the outcome of the collaboration between Metaphora International and The Biology of Story. #CollaborativeStorytelling #CollaborativeStoryCraft #StoryMediation #MetaphoraInternational #PersonalScript #community #workshop #Screenwriting #PersonalStories #Bilkent #BilkentUniversity #COMD #Ankara #Turkey #Storytelling