OnChainMonkey is building the best community for Art on Bitcoin ???? This week we welcomed Tad Smith who was the former CEO of Sotheby's and Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp. and currently Chairman of the Fine Art Group and Adjunct Professor at NYU Stern School of Business. He has a wealth of knowledge on art and assets that he generously shares, and he has an incredible art collection! We also welcomed Michael Haffkta, an American expressionist painter with works featured in the permanent collections of major museums like the The Museum of Modern Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Brooklyn Museum, and the The British Museum who created art in the likeness of his OCM. Simon Gerovich, the CEO of Metaplanet Inc. | 株式会社メタプラネット, adopted the Bitcoin Standard for his company and the stock became one of top performers on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in the last year! He’s a collector of art on Bitcoin and one of our Metagood investors. We all share a common passion for Bitcoin and growing Art on Bitcoin! ?? Danny Yang Bill Tai