Men Wear Pink of Lane County转发了
AMAZING!!! That is all I can say after last nights Real Men Wear Pink celebration! It was so great to be a part of this great fundraising campaign and to have a hand in helping Lane County rank #8 in the nation as well as break the $1 million raised mark! I was so humbled to not only be chosen as Rookie of the Year, but to be presented with the honor by last years winner and the very talented owner of the company I work for Ed Emberlin! Congratulations to our top Ambassador Matt Sidman who not only raised over $107,000 but ranked 6th nationally for all fundraisers! ???????????? I would like to thank @menwearpinkoflanecounty and all of the ambassadors for their encouragement and friendship! My beautiful girlfriend @keepersfit Sarah Keepers for her love, encouragement and support. My awesome best friend @berkleelyn Berklee Leary who lost her battle to this evil disease. As well as the many folks who are still fighting or have overcome the challenge of fighting breast cancer. I’m looking forward to next year and bringing more awareness as well as raising more funds to keep up the fight!