What do fresh bread and interoperability have in common? Both are things we badly want, but there always seems to be some sort of barrier between us and the ultimate goal. (for me it's the store window...and I swear they pump that fresh-bread aroma out of the vents) I recently had the chance to listen to a great session on the topic of interoperability hosted by MEDITECH at #HIMSS25. The speakers made me think: we haven't been talking enough about the benefits of interop for PROVIDER ORGS. The impact of interoperability is often framed soley in terms of the benefits to patients and their care. While these are noble and worthy goals, what if we were to reframe the discussion to include benefits to provider organizations and how they can win with interoperable data? Steven Lane, MD, MPH - Chief Medical Officer at Health Gorilla, Kiza (Pakizah) Kozak - CIO at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Eric Carey - CIO at Valley Health System, and Mike Cordeiro - Sr Director at MEDITECH did an excellent job talking about how administrators, researchers and clinicians are benefitting from data that is interoperable. - Better decisions on how/where to provide care - Faster access to data for research - Richer data set for research - More efficient use of resources (especially $$$) Check out this summary. #healthcare #healthIT #digitalhealth #HITsm