The Atacama desert in Chile has become a sacrifice zone for fashion waste. Atacama Fashion Week, the largest fashion landfill fashion show,?aims to raise awareness of the ecological collapse and social injustice generated by the global fashion industry. Several studies show that 60,000 tonnes of used clothing are shipped to Chile each year, with about 39,000 tonnes being illegally dumped in the Atacama desert. Fashion brands frequently release numerous collections annually, predominantly utilising petroleum-based synthetics. There's a trend towards ‘circularity’ by integrating so-called 'conscious' or ‘recycled’ materials, often resulting in excessive production. Fashion’s purchasing practices prioritise profit maximisation, cost reduction, and operational efficiency. Consequently, this model has led to globally dispersed, fragmented, and highly complex supply networks, which repeatedly witness appalling social and environmental crises. The blame doesn't lie with suppliers or workers; rather, it's the business, purchasing and operational strategies of fashion giants that perpetuate economic, social, and environmental problems. Employing 'sustainability' as a facade while, in reality, promoting excess reflects corporate hypocrisy, social offsetting, and greenwashing. Producing an abundance of cheap, rapid, and guilt-inducing fashion, even with recycled materials, will never constitute a conscious, or circular, solution. We have an obligation to speak out. #fashion #overproduction #waste #sustainability #climateemergency #landfill #Chile