Mecharithm - Robotics and Mechatronics转发了
We wrapped up the Modern Robotics I class at Saint Louis University with the last project of the semester, where students used numerical screw-theory-based inverse kinematics with camera feedback and ROS2 to control a robot arm to pick and place different clusters with different colors. The implementation I attach here is Michael and Joshua's work. They deserve extra credit for their sense of humor and their video-making skills. Bloopers are also at the end. Also, shout out to Guangping and Jake for writing code to do camera topic remappings to fix the bugs in the perception package, which saved me a ton of time to do it myself. Also for those students who want to repeat the project for their own learning, here is your guide: #screwtheory #numericalinversekinematics #ros2 #visionbasedcontrol #SLU #saintlouisuniversity