ENG: MBR’s CEO and Registrar Dr Geraldine Spiteri Lucas, participated in an insightful panel discussion titled "?????????????????? ???????????????????? ?????? ????????????????????: ?????? ?????????????????? ???? ????????-????????????????????" during the ?????? ?????? ???????????? hosted by the Malta Stock Exchange plc. The session explored how industries can strike the perfect balance between pushing for innovation and ensuring compliance ??. Dr Spiteri Lucas, along with the other panellists discussed the importance of self-regulation in maintaining ethical standards and promoting sustainable growth in fast-evolving sectors ??. MLT: Il-Kap E?ekuttiv u r-Re?istratur tal-#MBR Dr Geraldine Spiteri Lucas, ipparte?ipat f’ diskussjoni informattiva dwar il-Bilan? tal-Innovazzjoni u l-Konformita’: Il-Potenzjal tal-awtoregolazzjoni waqt l-?????? ?????? ???????????? organizzat mill-Bor?a ta' Malta. Is-sessjoni esplorat kif l-industriji jistg?u jil?qu l-bilan? perfett bejn il-promozzjoni tal-innovazzjoni u li ti?i ?gurata l-konformita ??. Dr Spiteri Lucas, flimkien mal-membri l-o?ra tad-diskussjoni iddiskutew l-importanza tal-awtoregolamentazzjoni fi?-?amma ta’ standards eti?i u l-promozzjoni ta’ tkabbir sostenibbli f’ setturi li qed jevolvu b’ rata mg?a??la ??.
The Malta Business Registry, established under Subsidiary Legislation 497.27, is responsible for the registration of new commercial partnerships, the registration of documents related to commercial partnership, the issuing of certified documentation including certificates of good-standing amongst others, the reservation of company names, the collection of registration and other fees, the publication of notices and the imposition and collection of penalties. The Agency also conducts investigations of companies and the keeping of the company and partnership register.
- 网站
Malta Business Registry - MBR的外部链接
- 所属行业
- 立法机构
- 规模
- 51-200 人
- 总部
- Zejtun,Southern Region
- 类型
- 政府机构
- 创立
- 2018
Triq il-Labour
AM Business Centre
MT,Southern Region,Zejtun,ZTN 2401
Malta Business Registry - MBR员工
Excited to be hosting global delegates for the ???????? ???? ?????????????? ?????????? ?????????????? ?? Corporate Registers Forum
ENG: It is with great pleasure to announce that the #MBR will be ?? hosting the ???????????? ?????????????? ?????????? ?????????????? ???? ???????????????????? ?????????????????? towards the end of March. This event will bring together key stakeholders from Moneyval, the EU Commission, and various members from the Corporate Registers Forum business registries from around the world to discuss the challenges and advancements in Beneficial Ownership (BO) transparency. Read more here ?? https://lnkd.in/dxxKPRBf MLT: Huwa ta’ sodisfazzjoni li n?abbru li l-MBR se jkun qed ?? jospita Laqg?a ta’ Grupp ta’ ?idma Globali dwar is-Sidien Benefi??jarji lejn l-a??ar ta’ Marzu. Dan l-avveniment se jlaqqa’ flimkien il-partijiet ikkon?ernati ewlenin mill-Moneyval, il-Kummissjoni Ewropea, u diversi membri tar-re?istri tan-negozju tal-Corporate Registers Forum minn madwar id-dinja biex jiddiskutu l-isfidi u l-avvanzi biex tissa??a? it-trasparenza rigward ir-re?istru tas-Sidien Benefi??jarji (BO). Aqra aktar hawn ?? https://lnkd.in/dxxKPRBf
ENG: To all the women out there, Happy Women’s Day ??. Today, we honour all women who inspire change, lead with passion, and empower others with their strength and resilience. Here’s to a future where every woman has the opportunity she deserves. ?? MLT: Il-Jum in-Nisa t-tajjeb lin-nisa kollha hemm barra??. Illum nonoraw lin-nisa kollha li jispiraw bidla, imexxu b’passjoni, u jag?tu s-setg?a lill-o?rajn bis-sa??a u r-re?iljenza tag?hom. B’fidu?ja s?i?a n?arsu lejn futur fejn kull mara jkollha l-opportunità li jist?oqillha. ??
ENG: On the eve of International Women’s Day, we proudly honour the talent and dedication of our amazing #womenworkforce ??. Your passion and leadership are essential for our success ?? Thank you for all you do ?? MLT: Lejlet il-Jum Internazzjonali g?an-Nisa, kburin li nonoraw it-talent u d-dedikazzjoni tal-?addiema nisa tag?na ??. Id-determinazzjoni u t-tmexxija tag?kom huma essenzjali g?as-su??ess tag?na ?? Grazzi ta’ dak kollu li tag?mlu ??
??We are proud to be part of this year's Governance, Risk, Compliance and ESG Summit 2025
Thank you to Malta Business Registry - MBR for their valuable support as a Bronze Sponsor! ???? ?? Don’t miss Dr Geraldine Spiteri Lucas Chief Executive Officer / Registrar along with other panellists as they discuss the balancing of innovation and compliance: the potential of self-regulation. Book Your Tickets Now: https://buff.ly/4gQ12cJ #GRCSummit2025 #Sponsors
Generosity in Action! ENG: February has been a month of giving, and we couldn’t be prouder of our incredible employees! ?? Over the past few weeks, the #MBR team has been collecting daily essentials to support those in need and recently these donations were delivered by our colleagues to the Ursuline Sisters of St Angela Merici and the Paulo Freire Institute in ?ejtun. A huge THANK YOU to all who contributed ?? ?enero?ità Attiva ! MLT: Frar kien xahar ta’ g?otjiet, u ma nistg?ux inkunu iktar kburin bl-impjegati tag?na ?? Matul il-?img?at li g?addew, it-tim tal-MBR kien qed ji?bor prodotti essenzjali ta’ kuljum biex jg?in lil dawk fil-b?onn u ri?entement dawn id-donazzjonijiet twasslu minn kollegi tag?na lis-sorijiet Ursolini ta’ Sant’ Angela Merici u lill-Istitut Paulo Freire fi?-?ejtun. Grazzi kbira lill kull min ikkontribwixa ??
FINAL REMINDER ? Check out this notice for more information ?? https://lnkd.in/duNbEfQt or here ?? to access the FAQs guide document ?https://lnkd.in/da6pefGt ?https://lnkd.in/dTM9u4YQ
ENG: Earlier today, on the program #Niskata, Dr Geraldine Spiteri Lucas, MBR’s CEO and Registrar, highlighted the importance of the public awareness regarding the companies' register and its potential benefits for the public. MLT: Aktar kmieni llum, fuq il-programm Niskata, Dr Geraldine Spiteri Lucas, Kap E?ekuttiv u Re?istratur tal-#MBR, enfasizzat l-importanza tal-g?arfien pubbliku rigward ir-re?istru tal-kumpaniji u l-benefi??ji potenzjali tieg?u g?all-pubbliku.