? Time to look back at a great MaterialenNL Conference 2024!? ?? Join us & watch the aftermovie! ? ??? Advanced Materials is one of the key enabling technologies: ? Materials for a Future Society! ? Therefore, the Netherlands needs to invest in education, research, and innovation. ?? And we need to communicate about the value of materials for society. Do people know how many materials they use each day? Do people know how many people are working in the field of materials each day? ? “In fact, the energy transition is a materials transition” ? ?? What we all do in our labs is only one thing, but we also need to tell the story. A multidisciplinary story, and a story of sustainability. At the MaterialenNL Conference, this story was told en masse: to academics, to industrial partners, to politicians, to fund providers, to each other. And telling the story we all have one joint goal: cross over and apply the knowledge, towards a sustainable future! ?? ?? ? “That we are really working together as a materials community to solve our problems in terms of circularity, critical raw materials, and really trying to work together, and if the Netherlands brings this sort of science, policy and industry interface together, we can really make a difference and move towards all the policy ambitions.” ? ?? Connect, mingle, and innovate! And let us all meet again next year, at the MaterialenNL Conference. ? ?? MaterialenNL Platform: https://lnkd.in/g9K9n-Y (The MaterialenNL Conference 2024 was held on 10 December. The programme can still be found here: https://lnkd.in/euDzr_JR) Henk-Jan Vink Arjan Mol Guus Rijnders Hans Van-der-Weijde Marc Geers Moniek Tromp?? Eliane van Dam Luc Kikkert Erik Vegter Reina Boerrigter Marcella Klouwens Holland High Tech ChemistryNL Topsector Energie TNO 4TU.Federation NWO (Dutch Research Council) Materials innovation institute M2i #energytransition #materials #materialsscience #engineering #sustainability #criticalrawmaterials #circularity #innovation #education
MaterialenNL Platform
MaterialenNL Platform promotes coordination and collaboration in the materials research field in the Netherlands.
The Netherlands has a great diversity of public-private partnerships and platforms that address a variety of the materials research. Therefore, the MaterialenNL platform was initiated in 2019 by the top sectors Holland High Tech, Energy and ChemistryNL to promote coordination and collaboration in the materials research field. Activities of MaterialenNL: - Stimulating knowledge exchange between the various materials platforms in the Netherlands and actively promoting cooperation across the entire knowledge chain (universities/institutes, TO2, RKI (national knowledge institutions), universities of applied sciences, companies). - Organization of the materials field: identify existing or emerging material fields for which there is not yet a connecting/organizing body and advise on transferring these fields to existing platforms or setting up a new platform. - Identifying gaps and opportunities for mutual cooperation, actively stimulating initiatives and advising the government. - One point of contact for the sector-transcending public-private materials field in the Netherlands.
- 网站
MaterialenNL Platform的外部链接
- 所属行业
- 非盈利组织
- 规模
- 1 人
- 类型
- 合营企业
- 创立
- 2019
De Europese industrie staat onder druk! Tijd om onze kansen te pakken! ChemistryNL KIA CE MaterialenNL Platform Reinier Grimbergen https://lnkd.in/eNNVm9Cm
? Towards the Circular Economy in Metals – We are excited to announce Benjamin Sprecher as our second presenter!! Join Us on April 8 in Delft ? ?? Register now: https://lnkd.in/eR9q3GcG Let’s drive the future of circular metals together! ???? #CircularEconomy #Sustainability #Metals #Recycling #Innovation #HTSM #CircularDesign #M2i
? Towards the Circular Economy in Metals – Join Us on April 8 in Delft with Rossi Kevin! ? ?? Register now: https://lnkd.in/eR9q3GcG Let’s drive the future of circular metals together! ???? #CircularEconomy #Sustainability #Metals #Recycling #Innovation #HTSM #CircularDesign #M2i
? Nationale?Innovatieagenda Kritieke Grondstoffen ? Gisteren heeft Jacqueline Vaessen, Boegbeeld Topsector Chemie en Circular Critical Raw Materials consortium, de Nationale Innovatieagenda Kritieke Grondstoffen overhandigd aan Allard Castelein, Speciaal Vertegenwoordiger Grondstoffenstrategie. ?? De innovatieagenda is hier te vinden: https://lnkd.in/es3W5jpr De agenda presenteert een nationale aanpak voor innovatie op het gebied van kritieke grondstoffen, met als doel Nederland onafhankelijker te maken door middel van innovatie en de opbouw van eigen verwerkingscapaciteit. De Nationale Innovatieagenda Kritieke Grondstoffen van het samenwerkingsverband Circular Critical Raw Materials (CCRM) is op initiatief van ChemistryNL (Topsector Chemie) en het MaterialenNL Platform tot stand gekomen samen met een consortium van bedrijven en kennisinstellingen. ?? De innovatieagenda benadrukt de urgentie van #innovatie en een versnelde transitie naar circulair gebruik van #kritiekegrondstoffen. Elementen die essentieel zijn voor de #energietransitie, digitalisering en veiligheid van Nederland. Door te investeren in innovatieve technologie?n en het opzetten van binnenlandse verwerkingsfaciliteiten, kan Nederland zijn afhankelijkheid van buitenlandse leveranciers verminderen en tegelijkertijd bijdragen aan duurzame economische groei in Nederland en in Europa. Jacqueline Vaessen: "Het is van cruciaal belang dat Nederland stappen onderneemt om zijn positie in de wereldwijde grondstoffenmarkt te versterken. Dit rapport biedt een routekaart en overzicht van innovatieve projecten om dit te kunnen bereiken door middel van samenwerking tussen overheid, industrie en onderzoeksinstellingen. Het is belangrijk dat Nederland nu lef toont.” Allard Castelein prees het rapport en benadrukte het belang van een gezamenlijke inspanning om de voorgestelde agenda in de praktijk te brengen. "De aanbevelingen in deze agenda zijn van groot belang voor de toekomst van onze economie en voor de strategische autonomie van Nederland en Europa. We moeten nu actie ondernemen om ervoor te zorgen dat Nederland een leidende rol speelt in de circulaire economie van kritieke grondstoffen en een bijdrage kan leveren aan de Europese ambities op dit terrein" aldus Castelein. Een van de doelen van de innovatieagenda, is om het kabinet op te roepen om benodigde innovatie en opschaling voor terugwinning en verwerking van kritieke grondstoffen te ondersteunen met beleid en financiering. Het is van essentieel belang om de in de agenda ge?nventariseerde innovatie- en demonstratieprojecten mogelijk te maken, door ruimte te cre?ren in nieuwe en bestaande regelingen in Nederland en in Europa. ?? Website ChemistryNL: https://lnkd.in/eja64jaf #criticalrawmaterials #circulareconomy #circularity #sustainability
We were present once again at the annual M2i community & MaterialenNL conference. In this edition, we were present as Bosch Thin Metal Technologies with our diverse portfolio. Can you spot us and our associates Sam Krop and Michael Dogge in the video? ?? Being part of this community of experts is inspiring for the development of our high-tech thin metal technologies.?Looking forward to next year!
? Time to look back at a great MaterialenNL Conference 2024!? ?? Join us & watch the aftermovie! ? ??? Advanced Materials is one of the key enabling technologies: ? Materials for a Future Society! ? Therefore, the Netherlands needs to invest in education, research, and innovation. ?? And we need to communicate about the value of materials for society. Do people know how many materials they use each day? Do people know how many people are working in the field of materials each day? ? “In fact, the energy transition is a materials transition” ? ?? What we all do in our labs is only one thing, but we also need to tell the story. A multidisciplinary story, and a story of sustainability. At the MaterialenNL Conference, this story was told en masse: to academics, to industrial partners, to politicians, to fund providers, to each other. And telling the story we all have one joint goal: cross over and apply the knowledge, towards a sustainable future! ?? ?? ? “That we are really working together as a materials community to solve our problems in terms of circularity, critical raw materials, and really trying to work together, and if the Netherlands brings this sort of science, policy and industry interface together, we can really make a difference and move towards all the policy ambitions.” ? ?? Connect, mingle, and innovate! And let us all meet again next year, at the MaterialenNL Conference. ? ?? MaterialenNL Platform: https://lnkd.in/g9K9n-Y (The MaterialenNL Conference 2024 was held on 10 December. The programme can still be found here: https://lnkd.in/euDzr_JR) Henk-Jan Vink Arjan Mol Guus Rijnders Hans Van-der-Weijde Marc Geers Moniek Tromp?? Eliane van Dam Luc Kikkert Erik Vegter Reina Boerrigter Marcella Klouwens Holland High Tech ChemistryNL Topsector Energie TNO 4TU.Federation NWO (Dutch Research Council) Materials innovation institute M2i #energytransition #materials #materialsscience #engineering #sustainability #criticalrawmaterials #circularity #innovation #education
? To keep the vibe, let's look back at a great MaterialenNL Conference 2024 again!? ?? Join us & watch the aftermovie! ??? Advanced Materials is one of the key enabling technologies: ? Materials for a Future Society! ? Therefore, the Netherlands needs to invest in education, research, and innovation. ?? And we need to communicate about the value of materials for society. Do people know how many materials they use each day? Do people know how many people are working in the field of materials each day? “In fact, the energy transition is a materials transition” ?? What we all do in our labs is only one thing, but we also need to tell the story. A multidisciplinary story, and a story of sustainability. At the MaterialenNL Conference, this story was told en masse: to academics, to industrial partners, to politicians, to fund providers, to each other. And telling the story we all have one joint goal: cross over and apply the knowledge, towards a sustainable future! ?? ?? “That we are really working together as a materials community to solve our problems in terms of circularity, critical raw materials, and really trying to work together, and if the Netherlands brings this sort of science, policy and industry interface together, we can really make a difference and move towards all the policy ambitions.” ?? MaterialenNL Platform: https://lnkd.in/g9K9n-Y The MaterialenNL Conference 2024 was held on 10 December. The aftermovie and some photos can also be found online: https://lnkd.in/eQB5CQSU The programme can still be found here: https://lnkd.in/euDzr_JR Henk-Jan Vink Arjan Mol Guus Rijnders Hans Van-der-Weijde Marc Geers Moniek Tromp?? Eliane van Dam Luc Kikkert Erik Vegter Reina Boerrigter Marcella Klouwens Holland High Tech ChemistryNL Topsector Energie TNO 4TU.Federation NWO (Dutch Research Council) Materials innovation institute M2i #energytransition #materials #materialsscience #engineering #sustainability #criticalrawmaterials #circularity #innovation #research #education #collaboration
We have a unique vacancy to fill! ?? ARCNL is looking for a new Institute Director. The position of director of our research institute is special! For our researchers and support staff, the director plays a central role, connecting about 100 people and often serving as – quite literally – the center of our attention. ARCNL constitutes of a tight and diverse group of people who work naturally across boundaries, such as the various research disciplines. ? For our partners at Dutch universities and our partner ASML, the director is the key point of contact to shape ARCNL’s current and future research program. This role also offers the opportunity to make a significant impact on a larger scale, strengthening the position of semiconductor research in the Netherlands. Additionally, ARCNL is part of the NWO-I network, meaning the director represents ARCNL within this network and collaborates with other institute directors to strengthen the collective impact of our institutes. Being part of the larger collective means that support is available when called for.??? These are just a few examples of what the position entails—there’s much more to it! Click the link below for more information, and please share this opportunity in your network. ?? ARCNL partners: ASML, University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam), University of Groningen, NWO (Dutch Research Council) #vacature #vacancy #director https://lnkd.in/eCpYCKPT ?
Jonge onderzoekers en mkb opgelet! ChemistryNL verstrekt #subsidie voor onderzoeks- en innovatieprojecten waarin minimaal één kennisinstelling en één onderneming samenwerken. Er staan nu twee calls open voor projecten op het gebied van: #circulariteit van gebruiks- en/of consumptiegoederen #kritieke #grondstoffen De subsidie bedraagt maximaal € 150.000 per project. Deadlines: 16 januari 2025 - indienen van een vooraanmelding 23 januari 2025 14:00 - complete aanvraag indienen Meer informatie en alle aanvraagdocumenten zijn te vinden op: https://lnkd.in/eu_3cT-J
De MKB hightech call 2024 opent aanstaande maandag 16 december vanaf 12:00 uur t/m donderdag 19 december 12:00 uur. Aanvragen worden behandeld op basis van het principe 'first come first serve' dus zorg dat je op tijd bent! Lees de FAQ op onze website: https://lnkd.in/eMtEkDty Meer over de MKB Hightech Call 2024: https://lnkd.in/eC4t23c8 Gerard Van Der Zon Leo Warmerdam Ming Eikelenboom - Zeng Dani?lle Kroonenburg Ronald van Es Koen Vermeer