We like the way this guy thinks. Give Chris Veley a call and see where vison and adaptive AI can take your woodroom from blunt force to data driven. 866-476-9861 #pulpandpaper #paperindustry #Forestry #Forestryindustry #Biomass American Forest & Paper Association Biomass Magazine
Bulk Material Handling and Wood handling expert with 28 years of delivering ROI and successful projects on time and meeting or exceeding performance
Vision-The ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. American Forest & Paper Association knows that today, we must have a vision for mill utilization, the products they are able to make and how the industry is a part of a giant green eco-system of healthy forests, fiber and paper, good jobs and healthy communities. It always comes down to the basics. Know your ingredients, everything about them, the value, volume, moisture, bark content, fiber loss, count and measure it all. Intelligent decisions start with data. Data driven decisions mean predictable results. Homogenous ingredients mean homogonous outcomes. Automated data collection with #AI learning can provide guidance on how to adjust the equipment or just the data and your operators adjust to conditions. The choice is yours. Let Material Control Solutions L.L.C. and Teknosavo share how this can be done, has been done and needs to be done to keep your mills profitable and competitive. Contact me Chris Veley, Mark Veley or Nathan Johnsen 866-476-9861 #wood #Forestry #Paperindustry #PulpandPaper #Technology #AI U.S. Industrial Pellet Association Biomass Magazine