Oh, the anguish of it all! Writing a book is not all fun and games, though it can be. Well, sometimes it can be. Read my post from our Master Book Builders - Good Things Come To Those Who Write page for several reasons you should write a book this year. And consider a follow if you're of a mind to learn more about writing and publishing a book. ???????????????????? ?? Books teach. ?? Books speak. ?????? Books inspire. ?? Books make us cry. ?? Books bring joy and laughter. ??? Books are the light into someone's soul. ? Books are the confession we make to the world. ? Become an author in 2025 and give the world the benefit of your bigger purpose in life. ???? Take the Master Book Builder's Questionnaire Today. DM me for the link. #bookwhisperer #writingabook #publishingabook #planningabook
The trials and tribulations of writing a book. There are many. Missed meetings with your editor - usually for very good reasons, such as sickness, family issues, even lack of content to share. Sometimes, the author gets stuck, and even their book coach can't get them started. It takes an act of ... otherworldly note. Oh yes, it happens. We aren't infallible. We have our moments where we can't make things work, also. There are times when the rewrites take so long! I'm talking about very long. Three, four, sometimes five meetings. It gives one agata sometimes. But there are so many wonderful things and reasons to write a book, they outweigh the trials and tribulations every single time. You become a thought leader. If you were one to begin with, you become more of one. Writing a book takes a lot of thought and energy and with it comes knowledge - from your life experiences but also from content you need to research and study. You become a sought after speaker. Yes, you have to put yourself out there first. Unless event planners know you're available and that you've written a book, how are they going to reach out to book you? Be visible and speak up about being able to speak. Podcasts. Another kind of speaking. They keep increasing in number and value. I'm sure there are a lot of podcasts out there that aren't so great, but the ones I've learned about - often right here on LinkedIn - are up and coming, if they have not already arrived. Find a way to be on them. Your credibility increases the moment you say you've written a book. People just flat-out believe you more. This speaks well to those who put the labor into the writing of the book, sharing real expertise and advice, but it sometimes makes it harder for those experts when people who don't take the time or effort to create a stellar product come along and say similar things. The proof is in the pudding, as they say, however. Those who value their reputation produce excellent books (some of them work with us - how about you, are you ready?) because they invest not only time and effort but the dollars and cents needed to work with outstanding professionals in the book and publishing business. Don't let the trials and tribulations scare you away from your book. The one I know you want to write. Let's do it. Let's start soon. The world is waiting to hear your story. It's so unique - isn't it? If you like what you see and are looking to learn more about writing a book, stay up-to-date with our content by following our page. Please. ??