Offering Coagulation Optimization with online zeta. Enhances filter performance, improves dewatering and reduces coagulant demand. Conventional or MF/UF.
United States VS Europe, and Carbon Neutralization? We want to hear your thoughts. Our system, LowDose?, which works with zeta to automate and improve water plant operations, has also significantly reduced coagulant usage. We find that operators in the United States are interested in LowDose? mainly because they have pain points and want to improve plant operations. No one seems overly interested in the fact that they could decrease coagulant usage by likely 30%. We understand that promises like this have led to disappointment, so operators and managers may not believe us. However, it seems that even if they do believe us, they still are mainly concerned with solving plant problems and improving operations. What will we encounter in Europe? They are ahead of us in terms of environmental concerns. They have mandates to reduce the carbon footprint of their plants. Imagine the savings on energy if shipping was decreased by 1/3, and filter runs were significantly increased. Will we hear different requests, comments, and interest from European plant operators and managers? What are your thoughts? #zetaforwater #smarttechnologywater #coagulant #carbonfootprint #automationwaterplants #advancedtechnologywater #waterplantoperation #europeancarbonmandates #waterplantoperations