Watch the highlights of the Sauga Pitch & Showcase 2024! From inspiring pitches and panel discussions to meaningful connections made, the event was a celebration of creativity and innovation. Thank you to all the participants, judges, and attendees for making it a success! IDEA Mississauga SpinUp at UTM ICUBE UTM Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario | Agence fédérale de ... Xatoms Diana Virgovicova, MangoVisa Kushi Kaur, Philer AI Ankita Sharma, Abdel Ali, MBA, CFA Kiwi Charge #SaugaPitchwinner2024 #saugapitch #Innovation #startups #PitchEvent #ICUBEmisssissauga #startup #growthstagestartup #earlystagestartup #startupcommunity #studententrepreneurs #pitchcompetition #SaugaStartupPitch #InnovationInPeel