Upgrade your version...

Upgrade your version...

A whole different version of our self. Are you the same person you were 6 month, 1 years, 5 years or before? Are you learning the same things as you learned in beginning? Are you using the old methods, technology and other things? Are you doing the same workout?

Progress start with you; you are the root cause of your current results. If you want different result, you must be first a different you, a upgraded you. Its not just upgraded your gadgets and others things, it to change our self and your mind. At every next level of your life you have to adjust yourself for that position. As Marshall Goldsmith, renowned leadership consultant, has said, “What got you here, won’t get you there.”

Whenever you feel yourself change, let yourself change. Don’t hold yourself back, do not stay still in fear or something similar. Grow. It’ll be hard but you’ll find that for every drop of sweat you put into becoming a different, better, version of yourself, remember every person has to climb his/her own mountain. If you are doing so with good intention you will not disappoint.

I will upgrade myself, my minds, my thinking same as in this world technology, gadgets are upgrading. Will you?

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