Incredible day out on the roads of Flanders with argenx Staff from around the world took part to wish the #tourdemmn2025 team well ahead of our big ride in May. With guides and support from Flamme Rouge we had a great ride that showcased the type of roads the professionals are racing on in the spring classics. Nothing beats spinning along at 25kph chatting as a means to connect with others while indulging a passion and keeping fit. Thus the ride provided a truly wonderful chance to meet the staff and to learn more about the work being done to develop treatment for a range of rare auto immune conditions including MMN. It’s far to say you would have to go a long way to find a more passionate, committed purpose driven group of people. Can’t thank argenx enough for the support they are giving the #tourdemmn2025 and for everything they do. Special thanks to Kathy Perez, Dieter Defever, Ben Petok and Kate Dion for making the ride happen and creating the opportunities for me to talk to several journalists about MMN. Fingers crossed that will lead to greater awareness of this chronic #raredisease #multifocalmotorneuropathy #togetherwediscover