Founder & Managing Director @ Makaaina | Entrepreneur | Analytical Chemist | Validation Scientist | Educator || Essential oils, Cannabis, Pharmaceuticals
Sometimes, your future is hidden in the things you do effortlessly. This picture is from 2018. At that time, I was simply teaching about essential oils. Something I had loved and used all my life, literally since I was a baby. I wasn’t focused on building a business or thinking about branding, marketing, or sales. I was just sharing my knowledge. While I was still working full-time at that time, I blended oils and shared them with my coworkers—because I truly believed in their benefits. I had no idea that six years later, I would be creating and running my own company,, centered around what I was already doing without realizing its full potential. Looking back now, it all makes sense. + My passion was there. + My knowledge was there. + My calling was there. I just didn’t see it as a business because when something comes from your heart, it doesn’t feel like a business. I’ve even explored/drawn my IKIGAI before (and multiple times), and each time, it pointed to the same things: TEACHING, PLANTS, and NATURE. And here I am, years later, doing just that. So, here’s a friendly reminder for you. + Notice the things you do effortlessly. + The things you’d do for free. + The things that bring you joy. + Sometimes, your purpose isn’t something you need to chase. + It’s something you’ve been living all along. Have you ever looked back and realized you were already on your path before you knew it? So, what's YOUR STORY? #passion #purpose #ikigai #madagascar #entrepreneurship #essentialoils #findingyourpath #Makaaina