Main Street Materials, Inc.转发了
#Asphalt and #Concrete #Welder Polymer technology was developed for the #military during the Cold War to repair bombed #runways. With only two employees, one truck, cold-applied and 30 minutes, significant pavement damage is repaired for long term results. Repairs do not require saw cutting, removal of asphalt/concrete, haul off of or disposal of pavement, heat or compaction. Approved by many state agencies such as Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), NYS Department of Transportation, Caltrans, Arizona Department of Transportation, Texas Department of Transportation, City of Las Vegas, #Aiports throughout the world,public works and many other state and local agencies throughout the US. This penetrating polymer system has excellent bond capabilities to concrete, asphalt and even steel. The repairs are not soften by nor affected by heat, cold, UV, water and hydrocarbons. The repairs are ready for traffic generally within 30 minutes or in some cases minutes (can be adjusted on the job site). We are pleased to to share our performance data and test results to help you address your pavement maintenance and microtrenching needs. Please click here to receive information - Main Street Materials, Inc. Please reach out to our team of experts for demonstrations and training - Irving Estrada Jason R. (Amplified Pavement Resources) Angelo Infante Penetrating Asphalt Welder Polymer Web link - #waterproof #bridgejoints #masticrepairs #OSP #polymerrepairs #asphaltrepairs #concreterepairs #microtrench #pavementpreservation #waterproof #microtrenching #pavementrepairs #crackrepair #asphaltmaintenance #potholes #concretemaintenance #bridgerepairs #fiberoptic #reinstatement #fiber #fibernetwork #concreterepair #fiberoptics #highwayrepairs #polymerscience #technology #cracksealing #crackfilling #ftth #fttp #fttx #asphaltmastic #pccpavements #reinstatement #trenchslurry #fiberprotection #trenchprotection #asphaltwelder #concretewelder #roklin #roklinsystems