Congratulations to Eugenia Mawo Amoah for this great achievement. We too look forward to seeing you change the world for the better with your new knowledge. Go Eugenia!
|Sustainable Clean Energy Enthusiast| Mechanical Engineering Graduate| Researcher in Renewable Energy Systems| Public Speaker| CAD Modelling Learner| Energy Demand Analyst|
A Journey into Sustainable Energy - Episide2?? "The greatest investment you can make is in yourself." - Warren Buffett Completing the Climate Compatible Growth #CCG MAED (Model for Analysis of Energy Demand) course offered by the Open University has been one of my step-ups in building myself in the world of energy systems engineering. This course has equipped me with essential skills in evaluating future energy demands through medium-to-long-term scenarios, considering socio-economic, technological, and demographic developments. I have also gained insights into MAED-D for comprehensive energy demand projections and MAED-EL for forecasting hourly electric power demand across various sectors. I look forward to transforming the world with this new knowledge. #TheFutureIsExciting?? #EnergyDemand #MAED #Sustainability #CCG John Bosco Dramani (PhD), David Ato Quansah, PhD, Eugenia Mawo Amoah, Garvin Kokonu