Macular Degeneration Foundation转å‘了
Live at #RetinaWorldCongress right here in #FortLauderdale! I am delighted and honored to present the 72-week results from the #COMINO and #BALATON #clinicaltrials for patients with #MacularEdema from #RVO. I would like to thank Galin Spicer Lorena Larez Ivo Stoilov, MD Zdenka Haskova MD, PhD Aaron Osborne Manuel Amador, MD and the entire medical team at Genentech for their support. I would also like to thank my amazing clinical research team at Rand Eye Institute! Damian Stega, MD Gonzalo Suarez Matt (Maciej) Feret @doug finn. #RWC2024 #retina #CME #Faricimab #Vabysmo #crvo #brvo