Don't miss out on opportunities to organically share your DEI commitment to employees and stakeholders.
DEI and Communications Strategist | The DEI Publicist ? | DEI Consultant | Speaker | Facilitator | Trainer | Wellness Advocate | Culture Enthusiast |
Tomorrow is Juneteenth. For those companies providing a day off, I have a quick question... Do your employees and stakeholders know how this aligns with your commitment to DEI? And by that, I mean have you communicated this alignment with clarity? It's great to give the day off for Juneteenth - I fully support this and can attest to the positive impact it has on Black employees. But if you are not also communicating the additional actions being taken as part of your DEI commitment, then you're missing out on an opportunity to build trust, transparency and accountability. If in addition to having Juneteenth as an employee holiday, your company: ? Provides access to resources to educate employees on the history and importance of Juneteenth. ? Designates a certain percentage of supplier diversity spend with Black-owned businesses. ? Has a stated and written commitment to racial justice and engages in aligned programming. ? Has mentorship programs designed to support Black employees through their career journeys. ? Cultivates recruitment partnerships with HBCUs to diversify the pipeline of interns and early career professionals. ? Provides professional development opportunities for Black employees to engage with organizations and peers that center their experience. Then you should be sharing this information with your employees. Awareness is the differentiator between employees assuming your company is jumping on a band wagon, and understanding this is part of a deeper commitment to DEI. Communication is key. #juneteenth #dei #deiconsulting #deicommunications #tuesdaytips #inclusion #communications #employeecommunications #TheDEIPublicist