Thank you to everyone who joined us in Oshkosh today for the Women’s Health and Wellness Forum! A special shout out to our speakers and our sponsors: ?? “Managing Menopause” with Dr. Cindy Howard, sponsored by Protocol for Life ?? “Artistic Wellness: Special Considerations for Treating Adolescent Dancers & Performing Artists” with Dr. Carrie Skony ?? “Integrative Approaches to Gynecological Cancer Care: The Role of Chiropractic Care in Supporting Treatment and Recovery” with Dr. Elizabeth Dickson, sponsored by BayCare Clinic ?? “Radiology Case Reviews” with Dr. Heather Miley, sponsored by LSM Chiropractic ??Panel Discussion: featuring Dr. Howard, Dr. Skony, Dr. Robin Beatty, Dr. Julie Qualle; moderated by Dr. Ellie Ryan, sponsored by LSM Chiropractic. ?? Lunch sponsored by BTL Industries