Thanks for your amazing work and dedication, Clarisse Umutoni!
PhD. | Crop-Livestock value chain expert | Expertise in streamlining all phases of organizational growth and developing effective strategies for goal realization.
Goats: Four Golds – Resilience, Nutrition, Economy, and Beyond It’s not just a goat; it’s a “goldmine” for vulnerable populations. Goats provide an invaluable solution in regions facing challenges like food insecurity and malnutrition, low incomes, and climate stress. Their adaptability, nutritional benefits, and economic potential make them a cornerstone for building resilience and improving the quality of life in resource-limited communities. Through our project #EnhancingtheProductivityandResilienceofAgroPastoralSystems, we empower women by promoting dairy goat farming (sustainable management and feeding practices, enhancing productivity, managing risks, etc). We are also raising awareness about the importance of goat milk consumption, particularly in vulnerable communities, to improve nutrition. A special thanks to our partner, #InstitutdeManagementduTourismeetdeH?tellerieNiger, for supporting us in developing diverse goat milk-based products such as biscuits, “pates à chaud,” and candies. Women from various communities in Niger have benefited from training in the preparation of these products, opening doors to new opportunities for income generation and improved nutrition. Investing in dairy goat programs is a powerful step toward creating a more resilient and prosperous future for those in need. It is equally important to integrate climate finance with dairy goat farming initiatives to enhance climate resilience and drive economic development for vulnerable populations. #UniversitéDanDickoDankoulododeMaradi #FeedtheFutureInnovationLabforLivestockSystems #ResilientFarmingSystems #Resilience #DairyGoats #Nutrition #ClimateAdaptation #EmpoweringCommunities #Niger