I cant explain how I feel, but this is validation on how the Alienator keeps the loving parent from their offsprings lives. I was not included, I was not told about my daughters engagement from any of my friends or family members back home, I find out from other people from the internet that my only daughter is engaged. Looks like my 4 offspring are never going to figure out the lies until it happens to them. The alienator keeps them drinking, gambling, partying, he opens businesses for all of them, buys their phones, cars, he controlls their lives 100% ! The 4 offspring have no clarity to the #Truth. When I was married to this alienator, he did not spend a dime on me ever, I was made to believe we were $200,000.00 in debt and that I was the breadwinner. I worked hard, multiple jobs, and raised our offspring alone while the alienator lived a separate life in different states. The alcoholism is a serious disease and i tell everyone to run from the people that have this addiction because it dangerous. The alienator told me our boys could murder me and get away with it because I deserve it.....this is the man everyone supports. People have no idea how dangerous the free mason cult is and who they are aligned with. I did not raise my kids this way, they are living a fake life full of lies and manipulation. I tried raising our children to be independent, to have creative thinking skills, cognitive skills, to have life survival instincts......they have none, its all about money, power, ego and to JUDGE their own MOTHER and exclude her from their lives. Because of why???? Because I loved them too much and did everything for them? If I was the worst mother in the world, normal offspring would NOT alienate a loving parent.. This to me is a HATE CRIME and trust me I was threatened, given ultimatums by the Alienator and he used authority to rip my bond from our offspring. He used the courts, judges, lawyers, police officers, school principles, priests, everyone to build the smear campaign of his false narrative and divided the whole entire family. My Youtube Channel #lovedominates has videos explaining how my Mother in Law and the Alienator(offsprings father) are part of Fraternities, Secret Societies, Free Masons and how they intentional cut out the mother, the wife because reality is the Alienator can never face me again due to his lies. He knows I stand tall in my truth, that I love our offspring, and I was an excellent mother, not perfect but I did more than most Mothers. The 4 offspring are little minons of the narcissist and by generational facts, my offspring will do they same to their spouses. Its called learned behaviors, role modeled by their father. No child HATES their Mother, or Father. They live in FEAR of ever having a relationship with Me, the Mother. The Alienator will go to his death bed with his lies. I pray our offspring are not involved in his FREEMASONIC CULT. #parentalalienation #grandparentalienation #freemasoniccults #indoctrination