Yesterday we hosted an impressive group of panelists from Duolingo, #HALFTHESTORY#HALFTHESTORY, Make Believe Works , and Loftie to discuss the importance of Designing for Digital Wellness. While this event was part of #NYTechWeek, the takeaways are relevant to anyone and any organization looking to improve consumer relationships with tech. Here’s what we learned:??
?? Healthy Digital Habits Start with Healthy Routines: get your phone out of the bedroom and try to create friction in your current relationships with tech.
? Align Your Mission to Business Goals: the most important decision a company can make is to ensure their mission and business goals are aligned. This enables them to create engaging, non-addictive products.
?? AI Enables “the Good” at Scale: in the case of learning, for example, AI helps personalize experiences at scale while also making them more accessible.
?? Tech Can Inhibit Vulnerability: there's a real need to create human connection and enable vulnerability. This is a critical piece of the design process for any product or service.
?? The Future of Designing for Digital Wellness requires consumers to change their behavior by paying closer attention to how much content, how many apps, how many notifications, they're consuming. Brands must create clear operating principles to meet real user needs. ?
A big thanks to our moderator and panelists: Carleigh Ferrante, Larissa May, Ben Swire, Karl Channell and Matthew Hassett for sharing their insights as part of this important discussion!