Locol Arts转发了
Awesome project with HuntonBrady Architects and Charter Research. We were tasked with curating an art package that felt like home to Orlando’s diverse cultural community. We were able to find some amazing artists to partner with as well as some photographs of the different communities and homelands that make up Orlando’s community. As always, Chad Baumer did a great job capturing the essence of the project. Thanks to the project team for another beautiful project!
HuntonBrady recently completed the interior buildout for Charter Research’s newest office location in Mills Park. Located on the third and fourth floors of the Upshot Medical Center, which we also completed this year, the 30,000 square foot facility provides a modern, welcoming and functional environment for staff and patients. The space fosters collaboration and innovation among medical researchers, while maintaining the human connection so necessary in a medical space. Utilizing Charter Research’s branding, carefully controlled sight-lines, a clean, bright palette and ample lighting, the design provides a conducive setting for both patients and the medical team to help advance a healthier future. Upshot Capital Advisors, LLC | RGD Consulting Engineers | Workscapes, Inc. | Leopardo Construction | Locol Arts | Chad Baumer