We believe that Jesus Christ was, is, and always will be the only hope of the world. We believe that, as Christians, we are called to spread that hope and that the best way to do so is by mirroring Christ’s own methods. Because of this, Living Hope’s mission becomes clear: To spread the Living Hope of Christ by making disciples of all nations. At Living Hope, we've molded everything we do by studying how Christ lived, taught, and discipled. From this, we've dedicated ourselves to three primary ‘pillars’ by which we see our ministry: 'Intentional Discipleship' in 'Relational Environments' with a 'Missional Mindset.'
Since Living Hope's founding in 1997, we’ve been blessed with a growing congregation full of passionate individuals looking to participate in the growth of the church and the gospel. With that growth, we’ve learned that, in order to better reach our surrounding communities and bring the Living Hope of Jesus to them, it's not sufficient to continually expand as a church in one single location. Instead, in order to better reach people, our goal is to ‘go and make disciples’ where they are. It’s this principle that led us to a multi-site model--one church in multiple locations. In 2022, Living Hope officially expanded to include the Living Hope Doylestown Campus.
God willing, we seek to continue this multiplication of the gospel's impact on surrounding communities. One way we hope to do so is by building a Community Center on the edge of the town of Dublin, PA - just across the street from Living Hope's main campus.
Join us in our mission to spread the Living Hope of Christ by making disciples of all nations!
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