Thank you to all the legislators, fellow service providers, families, and advocacy organizations who participated in the event yesterday in Springfield advocating for youth with I/DD living in children's residential settings who lose funding and support upon turning the age of 22. HB3088, sponsored by Rep. Anna Moeller, will ensure that these individuals will have continued support at levels that meet their needs, families will not continue to struggle to find solutions for their loved ones in this situation, and service providers can continue support without facing penalties or financial losses. Special thanks to: Legislators: Rep. Anna Moeller Rep. Matt Hanson Rep. Barbara Hernandez Rep. Katie Stuart Rep. Nabeela Syed Senate Minority Leader Tony McCombie Rep. Norma Hernandez Sen. Javier Loera - Cervantes Rep. Nicolle Grasse Rep. Anthony DeLuca Rep. Laura Faver-Dias Rep. Angelica Guerrero-Cuellar Advocacy Groups:? Joshua Evans and Luis Andrade at Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities Samantha Alloway at The Arc of Illinois Kathy Carmody at The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities Coalition Partners: John Pingo at Goldie Floberg Amanda Brott at HOPE School Mikel Briggs at Little Friends, Inc. Cornerstone Services, Inc. PACTT Learning Center ? Families: Heather Meservey Danielson Dana Moses Lisa and Madeleine Pollard