Felt the love tonight as I sat on my very first conference panel and saw so many familiar faces in the audience. Thank you to the students, parents, colleagues (Judy Caraang, Damisha Collins, Mindy Ahrens, & Holly Morey) and family who stayed to the end of the night to hear me speak. A heartfelt thank you to Varun Gulati and the crew at LitLab.ai for including me on their panel. It was an honor to share the stage with Lindsay Jones and Drew McCann as we unpacked great literacy practices, UDL principles to make learning accessible, and the need for student-centered learning. It is exciting to be a part of the AI revolution and to share the work we have been doing at Design39Campus, a Poway Unified School District school. "Reimagining" reading and "retooling" for our next generation of changemakers is energizing. I am so optimistic. Working with LitLab who is dedicated to co-designing with teachers and students brings real change to reading instruction.