We are honored to be part of this wonderful inaugural cohort!!! It was no easy task to select 10 startups from +100 applications across the state.Find Ventures and Washington State Department of Commerce have created this program to support underrepresented founders. Thank you for your leadership Elizabeth Scallon and being an ongoing driving force within the community. Daniel Haders II, Ph.D. Dwight French Marlon Evans Dominick Kennerson Jeanne Kehren Vic Gatto Rick Robinson Sasha Spellman Kevin Boesen Frank Sparacino Mark Stanley Phil Spencer Susan Russell Priyanka Gandhi Stephen Mahnken
We are absolutely ?thrilled? to announce our inaugural Equitable Innovations Accelerator cohort in partnership with Washington State Department of Commerce. Help us welcome: ?Bio Fiber Industries ?Cirkled in ?Clearbrief ?Cognition Med ?Golden SHERPA, Inc. ?Intentionalist ?Litesprite ?Niftmint | NFTs for Brands ?Spritz ???????????WhyLabs ?? Read the press release: bit.ly/FVPREIACohort22