5, 4, 3, 2, 1… The neuroscience backed tool that absolutely changed my life, and the lives of millions of others: Throwback to 2017, when Mel Robbin’s went viral after sharing: The 5 Second Rule. Mel went from a depressed mom, unstable marriage, Drowning in alcohol, unable to get out of bed, To an absolute icon that has helped millions change their lives on decision at a time. If you have an impulse, Count down from 5, and MOVE. Take that action. Move so fast, you don’t allow fear, doubt, or discomfort to stop you. Write that email, Make that phone call, Put on your gym clothes, Approach that person you find attractive, Shift your mental state. Take the smallest action towards that which you know you should do. Fast, massive action, NOT putting more thought into it, Seems to be the unanimous advice to overcome the self doubt and lack of motivation we all sporadically face. What’s something you’re putting off?