“Anything you can imagine, is real.” - Pablo Picasso The 20th Anniversary Celebrations of The Foundation for Art & Healing inspired us to envision a connected, flourishing world. Together, we explored the Foundation's transformative impact on personal and public health through creative expression over the last 20 years and caught a glimpse of big, bold plans for the next 20 years! Lifecrafting was thrilled to collaborate with the Foundation in co-creating a creative play experience, an exhilarating launchpad for fun and festivities! Our heartfelt gratitude to Christian Doucette, Jeremy Nobel and the entire team at The Foundation for Art & Healing for inviting us to be part of your special celebrations. One of the play stations invited people to write a pledge, a promise to connect - “what is your everyday promise to make your world more connected?” Connection Promises poured in… Making a call to someone you haven’t seen in a long while | Saying hi to people you don’t know just because | Giving free compliments | Hold space for the little things | Make it a point to engage on elevators | I tell my barista at my go to cafe that her latte is great! | Make eye contact | I want to be present and really listen | Bring the generations together | Be curious about others | Be more open to sharing how I ‘really’ am | Share my poetry with someone new… and many many more… It is in the little everyday things. Much like a pebble dropped into a pond, these little things send out ripples, touching and shaping the world around us in ways we may not always immediately perceive. Lifecrafting is inspired to creating a borderless, living gallery of Social Connection Promises, celebrating the actions each of us takes and inspiring others on their journey. This is obviously a collective endeavor. Contributing your connection pledge here takes less than a couple of minutes, and committing to your tiny but very mighty daily act requires as much time. Join us, share with people and add your connection inspiration to our gallery. #socialhealth #socialconnection #loneliness #creativeliving Huge thank you to all the beautiful humans who made the celebrations so inspiring and joyous!