Our calendar of events: https://bit.ly/42afUMl Please note the Center hours vary daily. Our event calendar on our website will be updated with our hours at the beginning of each week. Please call head if you plan to visit 919-827-1436. We're here for all of your holiday needs - free covid tests for you and your friends and family, "Gvie Them Their Flowers" theme Tees for sale, and a whole closet full of free items for you and your home. Come by, shop and just be in the gayest spot in Durham. T-shirts also sold on-line: online store https://bit.ly/3Y9ewd8 #KeepDurhamQueer #LGBTQ image description: slide 1: the following text on a pastel rainbow background: Mon 11/18 Center operates virtually 10-6 Tue 11/19 Center open 10-4 Wed 11/20 Center open 10-6 Youth Center Drop-in 5-7 Thu 11/21 Center open 10-6 Trans Discussion group virtual 6:30 Fri 11/22 Center open 10-5 Sat 11/23 Center open 12-6 Pick up your free COVID tests any time we're open!