Loudoun First Responders Foundation

Loudoun First Responders Foundation


Supporting public safety personnel when needs arise from illness, and conditions incurred in the line of duty.


The Loudoun First Responders Foundation (LFRF) was created to provide financial support to first responders in Loudoun County, Virginia, who were injured in the line of duty and their families. The Foundation now provides scholarships to the children of our public safety personnel. In times of chaos and every day on the job, first responders are heroes who keep our communities safe, calm and protected from harm. Whether they are on or off the clock, first responders cannot pass a dire situation and not try to help. They seek to make our communities and the world a better place. They are self-sacrificing. Every day, first responders put their lives on the line for our communities. They sacrifice time with their families and the traditional hours of a 9-to-5 job to protect our citizens. They put themselves in the line of fire (sometimes literally) for others they barely know. First responders are never self-centered and put others before themselves. LFRF provides relief funding to first responders in their greatist time of need, whether it is from accident or injury, sickness or other family trauma. Aid is provided to first responders in Loudoun typically within 12 hours of requested support.

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