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Levizja FOL

Levizja FOL


Prishtina,Kosovo 113 位关注者


Levizja FOL is non-government organisation established in 2009 that campaigns for anti-corruption while fostering transparent and accountable government. FOL is committed to expanding, defending and strengthening freedom of expression and citizen participation in political and decision-making process. Our programs focus on promoting anti-corruption policies, transparency and accountability, reforming anti-corruption legal framework. Through research, advocacy campaigns, and networking, FOL increases public pressure on decision-makers to reduce public waste and abuse of power.

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    查看Albana Hasani的档案

    Senior Researcher / Legal Officer

    As a Levizja FOL representative, I had the opportunity to be one of the speakers in trainings for journalists, civil society organizations, judges, and prosecutors on SLAPP lawsuits, their impact and strategies to counter them. Organized and supported by Chemonics UK, these sessions created a valuable platform for discussions on protecting free expression and strengthening legal safeguards against legal intimidation. Grateful to contribute to this important effort :)

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    ?? ?? Udh?zuesi mbi padit? strategjike kund?r pjes?marrjes publike (Padit? SLAPP) i hartuar nga L?vizja FOL me mb?shtetjen e British Embassy Pristina?? dhe implementuar nga Chemonics UK, ?sht? nj? dokument i dobish?m i krijuar p?r t? ndihmuar gazetar?t, aktivist?t, profesionist?t e mediave dhe organizatat joqeveritare t? mbrohen nga padit? SLAPP. ?? Ky udh?zues ofron informacione t? detajuara mbi natyr?n e k?tyre padive dhe ofron strategji mbrojt?se p?r ata q? mund t? p?rballen me k?rc?nime t? tilla. ?? Q?llimi i k?tij udh?zuesi ?sht? t? fuqizoj? individ?t dhe organizatat q? angazhohen n? aktivitete publike p?r t? mbrojtur t? drejtat e tyre dhe p?r t? siguruar lirin? e shprehjes, pa pasur frik? nga abuzimet ligjore. ?? ?? ?? P?r m? tep?r, shfletoni udh?zuesin duke klikuar n? k?t? link: https://lnkd.in/dcfnNZa9 ENG ?? ??The Guideline on Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs), developed by L?vizja FOL with the support of British Embassy Pristina ??and implemented by Chemonics UK, is a valuable resource designed to help journalists , activists , media professionals , and NGOs to protect themselves from SLAPP lawsuits. ?? This guideline provides detailed information on the nature of these lawsuits and offers defensive strategies for those facing such threats. ?? Its goal is to empower individuals and organizations engaged in public activities to defend their rights and ensure freedom of expression without fear of legal abuse. ???? ??Explore the guide here: https://lnkd.in/dcfnNZa9

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  • Levizja FOL转发了

    查看Balkan Green Foundation的组织主页

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    A Huge Success! The 2nd Edition of the Green Forum ??? Yesterday, we came together for the second edition of the 'Green Forum', uniting passionate voices from across Kosovo to discuss the future of sustainability, clean energy, and climate action. ????? With inspiring discussions, expert presentations, and interactive group sessions, the forum served as a powerful platform for driving meaningful change. From innovative green solutions to strengthening policies for a more sustainable future, we explored key steps toward a greener Kosovo.? Let’s keep the momentum going! What was your biggest takeaway from the forum? Share your thoughts below! ???? This forum was organized within the 'Kosovo Green Action' project supported by The World Bank within the The Global Partnership for Social Accountability grant, and is implemented in partnership with Open Data Kosovo and Levizja FOL.

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  • 查看Levizja FOL的组织主页

    113 位关注者

    ?? L?vizja FOL ka publikuar sot analiz?n e Programit t? Qeveris? s? Republik?s s? Kosov?s p?r vitet 2021-2025. ??? ?? Analiz?n e plot? e gjeni k?tu: https://lnkd.in/dbMdfTvt ----- ??FOL has published today the analysis of the Program of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo for the years 2021-2025. ??? ?? You can find the full analysis here:

  • Levizja FOL转发了

    查看Balkan Green Foundation的组织主页

    3,351 位关注者

    Join us for the Second Edition of the #GreenForum, a key platform uniting government, civil society, businesses, media, and activists to drive Kosovo’s environmental priorities. Building on last year’s success, this year’s forum focuses on reinforcing commitments made by the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Environment, while addressing recommendations from the European Commission’s latest Country Report. ?? Date: January 30, 2025 ?? Location: Swiss Diamond Hotel Prishtina This year’s event features high-level panel discussions, interactive breakout sessions, and inspiring storytelling to strengthen environmental governance, institutional capacity, and cross-sector collaboration. This acitvity is organized through the Kosovo Green Action project, supported by The World Bank within the The Global Partnership for Social Accountability grant and implemented by Balkan Green Foundation in partnership with Open Data Kosovo and Levizja FOL.

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  • Levizja FOL转发了

    查看Burbuqe Kastrati的档案

    Project Manager @L?vizjaFOL | Good Governance and EU Integration Program.

    ?? We kicked off Anti-Corruption Day 2024 with an artistic performance and engaging convos with citizens about the importance of fighting corruption :) A big thank you to everyone who joined us, and especially to our amazing team at Levizja FOL ?? ??

    查看Levizja FOL的组织主页

    113 位关注者

    ?? International Anti-Corruption Day ?? We kicked off Anti-Corruption Week 2024 in Prishtina Square with an artistic performance and shared brochures to raise awareness among citizens about the importance of SAYING NO TO CORRUPTION!! ??? Read more: https://lnkd.in/dchnUhQ7

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  • Levizja FOL转发了

    Pun?tori me Institucione Publike mbi Hartimin e Politikave t? Privat?sis? Agjencia p?r Informim dhe Privat?si n? bashk?punim me Levizja FOL organizuan trajnim me p?rfaq?sues t? institucioneve te pavarura dhe agjencive ekzekutive, me ?’rast Udh?heq?si i Divizionit p?r Inspektim dhe Kontroll, z. Kushtrim Mustafa prezantoi m?nyrat praktike t? hartimit t? Politikave t? Privat?sis?. Pjes?marr?sit ndan? sfidat me t? cilat p?rballen gjat? hartimit dhe zbatimit t? politikave t? privat?sis? n? institucionet e tyre. Trajnimi u p?rmbyll me nj? kuptim t? qart? se si institucionet duhet t? sigurojn? ruajtjen dhe trajtimin e t? dh?nave personale t? bazuar n? parimet e transparenc?s dhe p?rgjegjshm?ris?.

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  • 查看Levizja FOL的组织主页

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    ?? DITA ND?RKOMB?TARE KUND?R KORRUPSIONIT ?? L?vizja FOL ka k?naq?sin? t’ju ftoj? t? bashkoheni m? ?? ?????????????? (e h?n?), n? ?????? ????:????, ?????? ???????????????? ?? ?????????? ?????????? ??????????????????, p?r t? ndjekur performanc?n artistike "Farat e Rrejshme". Kjo ngjarje, e organizuar n? kuad?r t? Dit?s Nd?rkomb?tare Kund?r Korrupsionit, synon t? p?rcjell? nj? mesazh t? fuqish?m kund?r korrupsionit dhe t? nxis? nd?rgjegj?simin qytetar p?r r?nd?sin? e transparenc?s dhe llogaridh?nies. ?? Ju mir?presim t? na bashkoheni n? k?t? moment unik artistik dhe reflektues! Ky aktivitet mb?shtetet nga Departamenti i Shtetit Amerikan, p?rmes Byros? Nd?rkomb?tare p?r ??shtje t? Narkotik?ve dhe Sundim t? Ligjit (INL).

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