So fun to read reviews like this! Thank you so much for posting this ??David Castillo!
I finally played Gnome Hollow this week, published by The Op Games (USAopoly). This one takes the cake for my favorite game published by them ever! I have to admit that I feel so ashamed that I did not notice until *after* Gen Con that it was designed by a fellow Utahn. (fail) If you are local to me and if you like gaming, stay tuned as we'll have Ammon Anderson make some appearances in our stores next week! This is almost like a Ticket to Ride or Carcassone *plus*; by that I mean if you can handle a little more than either of those games, then this game is for you. It plays up to 4 players. I was able to play it with my 9-year-old who does play a lot of games, but I think 12+ is appropriate because she could handle playing (the mechanisms) but I had to help her strategize. This game is great for the specialty toy retailers who carry games like Ticket to Ride. #tabletopgaming #specialtytoys #boardgames