Pls help spread the word so we can reach more veterans who need our services. More information can be found @
Lehigh Valley Business Group
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Lehigh Valley Business Group is the partner of choice for individuals, businesses and the community to come together
The Lehigh Valley Business Group is an all volunteer, non-paid, philanthropic / humanitarian organization. Our volunteers believe in giving back, helping others and making a positive difference to those in our community. We do this by donating our time, experiences, skills and talents that will lead to providing H.O.P.E. for those in the Lehigh Valley and beyond. H.O.P.E. means "Helping Other People Everyday. All are welcome!
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Christmas 25 days of random Acts of Kindness! 1. Buy a stranger breakfast, lunch, or supper when out at a restaurant! 2. Walk a shelter dog! 3. Help an elderly person in your neighborhood 4. Be there for someone in their time of need. 5. Reload someone's parking meter that's expired. 6. Compliment someone, say, Thank you, and please! 7. Pay for the coffee or the next person in line. 8. Hold a door open for someone! 9. Shovel the snow off for an elderly neighbor��s sidewalks! 10. Help an elderly person or handicapped person with their groceries. 11. Buy a homeless person a meal. 12. Help to bring someone��s trash cans to the curb or back to their garage. 13. Volunteer at a nonprofit 14. LISTEN instead of talking! 15. Volunteer to read a story to children ?? 16. Call or check in on people who are alone. 17. Give a coupon out for a store you're in 18. Thank a Veteran for their service to our country. 19. Take time to pick up trash in your community! 20. Give something to others for free that you have! 21. Take empty shopping cart(s) back to the store for someone! 22. Pay a bill for someone anonymously! 23. Visit seniors in a senior living facility and play games, chat, etc. 24. Give monetary tips during the holidays! 25. Provide H.O.P.E. �C Help Other People Every day! Our greatest gift in life is helping others and not looking or anything in return. It's the feeling you get inside of you that you did something good. May you be blessed and be that beacon of light for encouragement?
We are desperately in need of socks for our Homeless Veterans, their Families, Children. Please see details and a drop off location near you listed in the flyer.
Friends, We are still in need of many Turkeys to help our veterans with holiday meals on Thanksgiving and Christmas, we supply full breakfast and dinner meals for FREE to over 500 struggling veterans and their families. If you don't know what to do with that FREE turkey you can get, pls consider donating to VALOR Clinic Foundation or contact me. We help Homeless Veterans and those who are struggling for FREE! Have a great day ! Kevin Cope Manager, Community Outreach & Volunteers VALOR Clinic Foundation 484-274-3245
Looking for a great night out, supporting Veterans and VALOR Clinic Foundation, come join us. All are invited. Click on the link to register
Call for Action: We need your help for those in NC from Hurricane Helene Many of you know of the nonprofit veterans charity called Valor. Facts matter and in times of emergency everyone needs to do their part. Two more facts are also important today. One is we are specialists at helping homeless people where they are. Our Stand Down program has provided basic needs efficiently to the homeless in the streets for years. We have always applied those services mobile, from trucks and trailers in multiple states. We are good at it. The next fact that matters is that 100,000 fellow Americans became homeless overnight in an epic tragedy that will not resolve soon called Hurricane Helene. Please like and share this post. Valor will rise to the challenges presented by Helene. How well we help will be proportional to how you respond to this post. We are in the process of forming teams to bring our mobile approach of assistance to North Carolina. People have stepped up to improve the reliability of our transportation to support long distance operations and provided initial base camp facilities for our advanced party. The team to staff the initial base camp has been identified and will depart soon. We have provided a 16' enclosed trailer of supplies to a team that leaves today. We anticipate the next team with supplies will depart on Saturday evening or Sunday if transportation upgrade is completed by then. Initially, we hope to assemble up to 7 3 person assistance teams and 2 driver crews to run supplies. A 6 person team to work the Paul's House upper parking lot organizing supplies, loading vehicles and trailers. Please volunteer to be part of a team. 6 pm Wednesday at Paul's House will be a briefing for volunteers. In addition to our normal stand down items we are requesting assistance with the following items. 4 or 6 seat side by side UTVs with 4wd. Canoes or small aluminum boats, with safety gear and oars medical bandages, splints, wound cleaning supplies--any other medical supplies you can think of. Cloth stretchers Shovels, hammers, roofing nails Bottled water and camping meals or MREs for team that goes forward to NC fuel cans Diapers and formula Hand held GPS for the teams to use Couple generators for team use Tarps Ordering items online please ship to: Valor 1130 Scenic Drive Kunkletown, PA 18058 570-664-6468 Thank you, the Vets salute you!!
I've helped over 25 scouts earn their Gold or Eagle Award, and I'm eager to help more. If you know of a scout who needs help with a project, please contact me. Projects are located now in both Monroe & Carbon County. Visit our website for more information.
Know of someone who served in the military and could benefit from our complimentary services? Feel free to reach out to me or the number provided. All our services are free of charge, and being homeless is not a requirement.
HELP. We desperately need these items for our Veterans Holiday Meals Program. You can ship or drop off items directly at VALOR, our homeless shelter address is 1130 Scenic Drive, Kunkletown, Pa 18058. Maybe do a donation drive in your community, work, church, etc. ?
Can you do a food drive, collect, donate? Attached is our Veterans Holiday Meal flyer for items needed for our upcoming Holiday Meals that we are in short supply. Please help by sharing this with your connections. Have a great day ! Kevin Cope Manager, Community Outreach & Volunteers VALOR Clinic Foundation 484-274-3245