Legendary Restaurant Brands转发了
Friends, Colleagues and Bennigan’s and Steak and Ale Alumni/Raving Fans… It’s an honor to welcome World Renowned Chef Tim Creehan to our Legendary Restaurant Brands Family!! He and his lovely wife, Jennifer, bring a wealth of experience, knowledge, enthusiasm and love of our storied Brand(s) Culture to our entire organization. As you’ll read, he began making his culinary bones at Steak and Ale at the tender age of 14!! (Those were the days!!) Nostalgia, passion, deep emotional connections, desire and culture are powerful dirvers and set us apart from many of the casual dining brands and franchise models that are available today. Being the pioneers of casual dining and being founded by the icon of icons, Norman Brinker, provides us with a certain pedigree that no other brands can even begin to match! Onward…Slainte!