Our amazing Regional Manager, Natalia Rueda, made special visits to NCH Bonita Springs Freestanding Night Shift and NCH Northeast Freestanding ED in honor of National Heart Month! ??
At NCH Bonita Springs, Natalia hosted the first-ever Night Shift in-service, where the nurses shared how much they appreciated the visit since night staff often don’t get as much recognition. Huge thanks to educator Karen Bertram for making this visit possible!
At NCH Northeast Freestanding ED, Natalia connected with the day shift team for an in-depth discussion on tissue donation and even met the new assistant director, who is eager to schedule more in-services for both day and night shifts.
To show appreciation, Natalia handed out goodie bags filled with Legacy Trigger badges, chocolates, chips, and other Legacy treats, along with brochures on organ, eye, and tissue donation.
A heartfelt thank you to all the dedicated nurses and staff working around the clock to save lives! ??
#NationalHeartMonth #DonateLife #LegacyTeam #ThankYouNurses