Who misses our office trap door? ??
How did I know I wanted to work at LeafLabs? Two things stuck out to me during my interview. Neither had anything to do with the job description, but told me so much about the culture and the team: 1) The office entrance was through a trap door. You had to pull it open with a rope. It was the coolest! The complete opposite of the corporate cubicles I was used to. 2) In the board room, there was a wall of boxes labeled with everything you'd expect from an R&D shop: microcontrollers, all types of cables and power supplies, and a box labeled 'cockroach surgery'. You couldn't help but be intrigued. Our new office (around the corner) no longer has a trap door, but the same curiosity that drew me in back is still alive and well. We've seen a LOT of systems - the good and the bad - and bring that breadth of experience to the table for our clients to help solve their toughest challenges.