Keeping pace with our team's engagement is a challenge, but a good one! Last week, they attended the InspireHer Event, and Heather Capel's takeaways were powerful. One quote, in particular, really resonated with LEAD North: "She didn't wait for a seat at the table - She built the whole room." - Author Unknown
Even in the midst of a very busy month we are so happy to have taken the day to participate in the Inspire HER conference hosted by Greater Vancouver Chamber for the second year in a row. The speakers and topics were relevant and dynamic, the Iris award recipients were inspiring, the vendors were engaging, and the 700+ women who attended infused a much needed energy. The discussion by keynote speaker Kathleen Byars from the The Goodlife Institute about how ambition is not the cause of burnout and Mariyam Valdivia-Romero’s presentation on how to ensure your approach to work stays aligned with your values to avoid overcommitment and anxiety were highlights for me. LEAD North, LLC Christa Chandler #internationalwomensday #inspiration #inspireher25