5 Ways to Combat Rising Postal Rates
I'll stop and say its just short of tyrannical.
In spite of pressure from Congress (who can only make recommendations) and intense industry lobbying, USPS once again this week will be raising prices on several different mail classes. Amazingly, this is the 4th increase in price since 2022.?If we felt that it would improve speed or service, we'd be all for it, but we have yet to see much if any improvement at USPS since the appointment of the current postmaster.
So what can you as a marketer do??
We know that direct mail is important part of growing your business. In 2023, according to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), the average success rate on direct mail projects was 4.4% - much higher than email marketing (a .12% average open rate). Response rates for project mailed using internally developed or house lists, climbs up to 9%.
So how can you maintain or expand your reach without increasing your postage cost for your next mailer? Here are five options that we at Kuehn Printing would be happy to discuss with you:
1. Optimize Size: Can the size of your project be optimized as a letter or flat, to reduce cost?
2. Change class: If you're mailing First Class or Presort First Class - would other options like Marketing Mail (formerly Presort Std.) still work for your project?
3. Take advantage of USPS Discounts: USPS overs Direct Mail Promotions and Incentives on a quarterly basis - offering up to 5% off of your postage.
4. Register your organization for Non Profit Status with USPS (for qualifying organizations): If you think you might be eligible, we can help you fill out and register with USPS (note - not all non profits are eligible, and this is different than registering with the IRS).
5. See if EDDM is right for your business: Every door direct mail is a great way to send out non-addressed mail to a a geographic location at a discounted postage rate - great for restaurants, neighborhood retail, and other widely used service businesses.
If you'd like to talk about any of these ideas and how they might benefit your next project, you can reach out to me, [email protected] with any questions or inquires. Happy Printing!