Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF)的封面图片
Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF)

Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF)


Prishtina,Prishtina 822 位关注者

KCSF is an independent, not-for-profit organization, focused in supporting local civil initiatives.


For over 25 years, KCSF consistently pursues the creation of a more participatory and democratic society in Kosovo through enabling civil society to become an active actor in Kosovo’s public life. P?r m? shum? se 25 vjet KCSF, punon n? vazhdim?si p?r krijimin e nj? shoq?rie pjes?marr?se dhe demokratike n? Kosov?, duke e fuqizuar shoq?rin? civile q? t? b?het aktor aktiv n? jet?n publike t? Kosov?s. Za vi?e od 25 godina, KCSF dosledno radi za stvaranje vi?e participativnog i demokratskog dru?tva na Kosovu kroz omoguc?avanje civilnom dru?tvu da postane aktivan akter u javnom ?ivotu Kosova. While still committed to this aim, KCSF has recently been giving more attention to the process of European Integration, by raising awareness about the EU within Kosovo society and providing information and analytical tools to professionals that deal with these issues.

11-50 人
Civil Society Development、European Integration、Civic Participation、Freedom of association、Grantmaking for civil society、Advocacy、Capacity development for civil society、Resource Mobilization for civil society和Constituency engagement


  • 主要

    Musa Tolaj, Lam A, Hy. 1, Kat. 12, nr. 65-1 Nartel Center, Lakrisht?, 10000 Prishtin?



Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF)员工


  • At ?????????? ?????? ??????, the ???? ???????????? ???? ???????????? reaffirmed its commitment to strengthening civil society by announcing new projects. Speaking at the event, ???? ????????????????????, ???????? ???????? highlighted the essential role of civil society in Kosovo’s EU accession process, stating: “You are an invaluable partner in Kosovo’s EU accession process, no less because you have an incredible ability to feel the society’s pulse and needs at all times. Kosovo is lucky to have you.” In 2024 alone, the EU Civil Society Facility and Media Programme awarded €4.83 million to 16 initiatives that promote independent voices, democracy, and civic engagement. Over the past two decades, the EU has been a key supporter of civil society and media organizations driving social change in Kosovo. As an EU grantee, KCSF, through the Resource Center, will continue strengthening civil society organizations (CSOs), helping them grow, build resilience, and sustain their impact. In partnership with CBM, the next three years will focus on: ?? ???????????? ?????? ???????????????? – strengthening civic engagement and active citizenship ?????????????????? ???? ?????? ???????????????????????????? – enhancing resilience and operational effectiveness ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ?????????????? – empowering future civil society leaders ???????????? ???????????? ?????? ?????????? ???????????????? – fostering community-driven initiatives and engagement However, challenges remain. Speaking at the panel discussion, ???????? ????????, ????????’?? ???????????????? ?????? ???????????????? ????????????????, emphasized the urgent threats facing civil society, from global attacks on civic space to the impact of the USAID Stop Work Order. He stressed that donor dependency remains a structural challenge, requiring systemic solutions. The EU’s role in Kosovo must go beyond funding; it must be a strategic partnership that empowers civil society to lead democratic progress. There must be a continued focus on ensuring that Kosovo’s civil society is actively engaged in both national and EU-level mechanisms as part of the broader European integration process. Unlike the long and bureaucratic state accession process, civil society integration can happen now—through direct representation and meaningful participation in EU mechanisms. This approach nurtures?solidarity among citizens?and ensures that diverse voices are heard, reinforcing the?democratic?foundations of both Kosovo and Europe.

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  • ?????????????? ???? ??????-?? ???? ????????????: ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ??????????? ???? ???????????? ??????-?? Kosovska fondacija civilnog dru?tva (KCSF) poziva organizacije civilnog dru?tva (OCD) na Kosovu koje su pogo?ene obustavom strane pomo?i od strane SAD-a da u?estvuju u upitniku koji je pripremio KCSF, kako bi bolje razumeli uticaj izazova koje je ova obustava izazvala za OCD-e. Upitnik mo?ete popuniti ovde: https://lnkd.in/d-MrYpKe Krajnji rok za popunjavanje: ????. ?????????????? ????????. ????????????

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  • ??????????????? ????? ????????-??? ??? ???????????: ?????????????? ?? ???????????????????? ??? ????????????? ??? ?????????????? ?????? ????????-??? Fondacioni Kosovar p?r Shoq?ri Civile (KCSF), fton Organizatat e Shoq?ris? Civile (OShC) n? Kosov?, q? jan? ndikuar nga pezullimi i ndihm?s s? jashtme nga SHBA-t?, t? marrin pjes? n? pyet?sorin e p?rgatitur nga KCSF, me q?llim t? kuptimit m? t? mir? t? ndikimit t? sfidave q??ky pezullim ka shkaktuar p?r OShC-t?. Pyet?sorin mund t? plot?soni k?tu: https://lnkd.in/drEcdmvd Afati i fundit p?r plot?sim: ???? ???????????? ????????

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  • ?? ?????????????????? ???? ????????: ?????????? ???? ??????????????? ???????????? ?? ????????-?? Kosovska fondacija za civilno dru?tvo (KCSF) je otvorila poziv za program stru?ne prakse i poziva sve nedavno diplomirane ili kandidate/kinje koji/e su u zavr?noj godini studija da se prijave, omogu?uju?i im po?etak profesionalne karijere doprinose?i pozitivnim promenama u dru?tvu. Postaju?i deo na?eg tima vi ?ete: ? Ste?i dragoceno radno iskustvo; ? Se razvijati profesionalno; ? Se anga?ovati u podr?ci civilnom dru?tvu na Kosovu. ?? ????????????????: Do 6 meseci uz finansijsku naknadu i mogu?nost dugoro?nog zaposlenja. ?? ????????????????: Kancelarije KCSF-a u Pri?tini. ?? Po?aljite nam va?e motivaciono pismo i CV na: [email protected] do ????. ???????????????? ????????. ????????????. Za vi?e informacija o postupku zapo?ljavanja pogledajte slede?i link: https://bit.ly/40XUEuO

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  • ???????????? ????????: ?????????????? ????? ??????? ???????????????? ??? ???????? Fondacioni Kosovar p?r Shoq?ri Civile (KCSF), ka hapur thirrjen p?r programin e pun?s praktike dhe fton t? gjith? t? sapodiplomuarit/at apo kandidat?t/et q? jan? n? vitin e fundit t? studimeve q? t? aplikojn?, duke ju mund?suar fillim t? karrier?s profesionale duke kontribuar n? ndryshime pozitive shoq?rore. Duke u b?r? pjes? e ekipit ton? do t?: -P?rfitoni p?rvoj? t? vlefshme pune; -Zhvilloheni profesionalisht; -Angazhoheni n? mb?shtetjen e shoq?ris? civile n? Kosov?. ?????????????????????: Deri n? 6 muaj me kompensim financiar dhe mund?si pun?simi afatgjat?. ??????????????????????: Zyrat e KCSF-s? n? Prishtin?. Na d?rgoni letr?n e motivimit dhe CV-n? tuaj n?: [email protected] deri m? ???? ???????????? ????????. P?r m? shum? informata lidhur me procedur?n e rekrutimit shihni linkun n? vijim: https://bit.ly/3WELZel

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  • ?? ?????????? ???? ???????????????????? ???? ?????? ???? ????????????????? ???????????????? ?????????? ????.?????? ??????: ????????????? ???????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????????????? ???????????????? KCSF poziva nevladine organizacije na Kosovu da se prijave za program podr?ke usluga revizije. Ovaj poziv je namenjen organizacijama civilnog dru?tva koje nemaju finansijske mogu?nosti da plate godi?nju eksternu finansijsku reviziju, ali koji su voljni da pro?u kroz takav proces kako bi pove?ali nivo finansijskog upravljanja, pobolj?anje transparentnosti i kredibiliteta kod javnosti, zajednice, donatora i partnera. ?? Sve detalje o kriterijumima podobnosti i prijavi mo?ete prona?i ovde: https://lnkd.in/eGN_7P7q ?? Da biste se prijavili, molimo vas da popunite prijavni obrazac i pa?ljivo pratite svaku uputu, odgovaraju?i na svako pitanje - https://lnkd.in/ezFKC4XK Unutar prijavnog obrazaca potrebno je da u?itate slede?e dokumente: 1. Sertifikat o registraciji NVO-a izdat od strane Ministarstva za NVO. 2. Izjavu/finansijski izve?taj za 2024. godinu ili druge relevantne finansijske dokumente koji potvr?uju godi?nji promet NVO-a za 2024. godinu. ?? Apliciranje ?e biti otvoreno do ????. ???????????????? ????????. ????????????. ????:???? ?????????????.

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  • ?? ?????????????? ????? ?????????????? ????? ?????? ???? ?????????????????? ???????????? ????? ????,?????? ??????: ??????????????????? ???? ??????????????? ??? ?????????????????? ??? ????????????? ?????????????????? KCSF fton organizatat jo-qeveritare n? Kosov? t? aplikojn? p?r programin e mb?shtetjes me sh?rbime auditimi. Kjo thirrje synon organizata t? shoq?ris? civile t? cilat nuk kan? kapacitete financiare p?r ta paguar nj? auditim t? jasht?m financiar vjetor, por q? jan? t? gatshme q? ta kalojn? nj? proces t? till? me q?llim t? rritjes s? nivelit t? menaxhimit financiar, p?rmir?simit t? transparenc?s dhe besueshm?ris? nga publiku, komuniteti, donator?t dhe partner?t. ?? T? gjitha detajet rreth kritereve t? kalueshm?ris? dhe aplikimit i gjeni k?tu: https://lnkd.in/eyud4E3J ?? P?r t? aplikuar, ju lutem plot?soni formularin e aplikimit dhe ndiqni me kujdes secilin udh?zim dhe t? p?rgjigjeni n? secil?n pyetje - https://lnkd.in/ezFKC4XK Brenda formularit t? aplikimit duhet t? ngarkoni k?to dokumente: 1. Certifikat?n e regjistrimit t? OJQ-s? l?shuar nga Departamenti p?r OJQ. 2. Deklarat?n/raportin financiar p?r vitin 2024 ose dokumente tjera p?rkat?se financiare q? d?shmojn? qarkullimin vjetor t? OJQ-s? p?r vitin 2024. ?? Aplikimi do t? jet? i hapur deri m? ???? ???????????? ????????, ?????? ????:????.

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  • ??????????? ?????? ????????????????????????: ?????????????????????? ???????????? The Citizen Engagement Activity continues with the third cycle of grant applications to support partnerships between CSOs and the private sector. These partnerships will work on joint initiatives that address community concerns and promote cross-sectoral cooperation, with the aim of contributing to increasing social trust and creating a more favorable environment for financial and non-financial support of civil society. ?? You can find all the details about the call in the link: https://lnkd.in/esgERbeT ?? The call for this third cycle of Grants will be open until ???????????????? ??, ????????. #citizenengagementactivity

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  • ????????????? ???? ??????????????: ???????????????? ?????????????????????? Program Gra?anskog Anga?ovanja nastavlja se sa tre?im ciklusom prijava za grantove za podr?ku partnerstvu izme?u OCD i privatnog sektora. Ova partnerstva ?e raditi na zajedni?kim inicijativama koje se bave zabrinuto??u (problemima) zajednice i promovi?u me?usektorsku saradnju, sa ciljem negovanja pove?anog dru?tvenog poverenja i povoljnijeg okru?enja kako za finansijsku tako i za nefinansijsku podr?ku civilnom dru?tvu. ?? Sve detalje o pozivu mo?ete prona?i na linku: https://lnkd.in/ex9DBQ9q ?? Poziv za ovaj tre?i ciklus grantova bi?e otvoren do ?? ?????????????? ????????. ????????????. #programgra?anskoganga?ovanja

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  • ????????????????? ??????? ??????????????: ???????????? ??????? ?????????????????????? Programi p?r Angazhim Qytetar vazhdon me ciklin e tret? t? aplikimeve p?r grante, p?r t? mb?shtetur partneritetet nd?rmjet OShC-ve dhe sektorit privat. K?to partneritete do t? punojn? n? iniciativa t? p?rbashk?ta q? adresojn? shqet?simet e komunitetit dhe promovojn? bashk?punimin nd?rsektorial, me synimin p?r t? kontribuar n? rritje t? besimit social dhe krijimin e nj? mjedisi m? t? favorsh?m p?r mb?shtetjen financiare dhe jofinanciare t? shoq?ris? civile. ?? T? gjitha detajet rreth thirrjes i gjeni n? veg?z?n: https://lnkd.in/e7JCF4U9 ?? Thirrja p?r k?t? cik?l t? tret? t? Granteve do t? jet? e hapur deri m? ?? ???????????? ????????. #Programip?rAngazhimQytetar

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