Team KRG is excited to celebrate this major project milestone. 100% affordable housing coming to a long-challenged site by Lake Merritt in #Oakland. KRG was proud to lead the #publicaffairs to bring this project across the finish line as part of our #EastBay work for EBALDC, one of our region's leading non-profit #affordablehousing developers.
Today, we're excited to close on financing and start construction for the East 12th affordable housing project, one of the last developable infill sites along Lake Merritt. Our hometown team is led by three mission-aligned, Oakland-based developers - East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC), The Unity Council, and Jordan Real Estate Investments. We're also among the first Measure U-awarded projects, celebrating the City's fast-tracked bond with new homes already underway! We are so grateful for the vision and teamwork of our public partners in providing 91 permanently affordable apartments on one of the prime locations in Oakland. Thank you Oakland Housing Authority, City of Oakland, Alameda County, Strategic Growth Council, CA State HCD, TCAC, CDLAC, and CMFA. And for our project team, led by Enterprise Community Investment, Inc. as tax credit investor, Citi as construction lender, PYATOK architecture + urban design, and J.H. Fitzmaurice, Inc. as contractor - and so many more - it takes a village, thanks to ours! California Housing Partnership NeighborWorks Capital LISC Bay Area San Francisco Foundation Century Housing BART AC Transit Bright Green Construction Industry Workforce Initiative (CIWI), Monte Wilson CTY Housing Nathan Keibler Greenbelt Alliance Josehart Construction Management, Inc. Leah Stockstrom Joy Dev Co Lina Sheth Capri Roth Ener Chiu Vicki Shu KELLY DRUMM Leslie Francis Agnes Briones Ubalde John Chan Klein Lieu Liz Probst Omar Rivera Barrientos Chris Iglesias J Armando Hernandez Aubra Levine Audrey Chau-Cuevo Betsy Beros Renee Geesler