Keystone Trails Association转发了
Last week, ATC President and CEO Sandi Marra testified before the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands to discuss the benefits and impacts of H.R. 9159 – the Appalachian Trail Centennial Act. As the ATC prepares to celebrate its 100th anniversary early next year, this legislation marks a crucial step to solidify the public-private partnership that has enabled the ATC and the federal government to work together to protect and conserve the Appalachian Trail. The bill also establishes a framework for formal recognition of our community of partners and volunteers who work tirelessly to protect our beloved Trail and its landscape every day. This legislation will not only benefit the A.T. It will also support all National Scenic and Historic Trails by improving the coordination of resources and partners, bolstering management tools, and formalizing the gathering of data and information on visitation and economic benefits of National Trails to ensure these special places are maintained and conserved for the next generation.