It's Food Waste Prevention Week! Here are 3 tips on reducing food waste in your home ? :
? The freezer is your friend. Lots of leftovers? Freeze it. Have a bunch of veggies wilting in your fridge? Freeze it (for stock or soups). Bananas getting a little past their prime? Freeze it. You get the gist! Another helpful tip I've picked up along the way is to not worry about freezing things perfectly. While it's great to wash, chop, and store prepped fruits and veggies in the freezer, if you don't have the time there's nothing wrong with chucking whole produce in the freezer if you can fit it. Give it a rinse when you want to use it and enjoy.
?? Know that the dates printed on food packages are based on quality NOT safety, unless we're talking about infant formula (federally regulated for safety). Quality dates are dates the manufacturer puts on their product to tell consumers the product is still at its best quality by that date. Familiarize yourself with signs of spoilage and use your best judgement-- if things look, smell, or feel off regardless of the date printed on the package don't use it. With that in mind let it be known that this dietitian eats "expired" food all the time, it saves money and reduces food waste.
?? Repurpose your food. Stale crackers can be crushed up and used in place of bread crumbs. Stale, non-moldy, bread is perfect for French toast. Leftover rice? Make fried rice, congee, or throw it in some soup-- or freeze it so you have an easy carbohydrate source for dinner when you don't have time to make it fresh.
Learn more about food waste prevention at the link below, and I'm curious what tips you have to reduce food waste. Sound off in the comments!