


Irvine,California 6,654 位关注者

Driving Digital Innovation for the Future


KDAN (TPEx: 7737) is committed to providing a diverse range of AI-driven workflow and data solutions, including digital document management, eSignature, and data analytics services. We empower global businesses to enhance operational efficiency and organizational agility, enabling them to create more business value through secure and innovative digital solutions while pursuing the vision of sustainable development. Headquartered in Taiwan, KDAN operates across China, the United States, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore, and is supported by over 14 million members worldwide, including 50,000 business members. KDAN has been recognized as one of the Top 500 High-Growth Companies in the Asia-Pacific region by the Financial Times, leading in the IT and Software category in Taiwan.

201-500 人
Software development、business analytics、multimedia integration services、market research、digital workflow、digital document、electronic signature和data insight


  • 主要

    219 Sutters Mill


  • Zhonghuau Rd., Yong Kang Dis.,

    5F-C., No. 1-4


  • No. 296, Yingpan Rd., Kaifu Dist.,

    CN,Hunan Province , Changsha,0731

  • 14F., No. 185-1, Songjiang Road, Zhongshan District


  • 5-7-3-210 Higashiikebukuro, Toshima-Ku


  • 49, 9th floor, Daewangpangyo-ro 644, Bundang-gu


  • 362 UPPER PAYA LEBAR ROAD #03-08






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    KDAN Seizes AI-Driven Opportunities on the Global Stage! ?? KDAN (TPEx: 7737) was invited to the "AI About Innovation" hosted by the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TWSE) this week. KDAN’s Chief Product Strategy Officer, ChunChin Su, joined a panel with TWSE Deputy GM Hui-Chuan Tu, PlayNitride Chairman Yun-Li Charles Li, and Canner Co-Founder Howard Chi. He mentioned KDAN’s capital market strategy and the role of AI in reshaping the SaaS ecosystem and stock markets to drive global expansion. ? Follow us for the latest updates from KDAN! -- ??【AI轉折點 | KDAN引領AI創新,擘劃全球新格局!】?? 凱鈿產品策略長受邀參與證交所「AI創新交流分享會」,展望新創生態圈的無限可能 ?? https://lnkd.in/gmtvp-WM KDAN 凱鈿(TPEx: 7737) 本週受邀出席台灣證券交易所主辦的「AI創新交流分享會」,凱鈿產品策略長蘇俊欽與證交所副總經理杜惠娟、錼創董事長李允立、易開共同創辦人紀力榮同台對談,分享凱鈿在資本市場的策略,以及成功登錄興櫃後,如何把握AI重塑軟體產業與資本市場的契機,進行全球布局。 ? 關注凱鈿社群,掌握最新產業資訊。 #AI #SaaS #forums #StockMarket #globalexpansion

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    This February, KDAN’s headquarters had the pleasure of hosting Sam Yang 楊宗憲, a certified LEGO? SERIOUS PLAY? ( #LSP ) facilitator in Taiwan and Co-founder & Director of Kristiansen & Associates Consulting, along with his team, for a customized brand workshop. ? Through hands-on thinking with LEGO bricks, our team explored the concept of #digitalenablement, exchanging ideas and uncovering new perspectives. This interactive session inspired fresh insights and reinforced our commitment to delivering more comprehensive AI-driven workflow and data solutions. ???LEGO? SERIOUS PLAY? Insights by Per Kristiansen and Gloria de Leon?is a globally recognized creative methodology that fosters "Hands-on, Minds-on" learning. It encourages collaboration, equal participation, and effective communication to drive team consensus and innovation. -- ??【KDAN x LEGO? Serious Play? #樂高認真玩 品牌工作坊】?? 透過樂高用「手」思考,探索出不同的數位賦能形態,啟發團隊提供更完善的數位解決方案 KDAN 以成為「 #數位賦能領導品牌 」為願景,從內而外落實「數位賦能」的核心觀念和品牌認知。台灣總部二月份特別邀請「 樂高認真玩 」台灣官方授證的LSP引導師兼克斯安森管理顧問總監 Sam Yang 楊宗憲 及其團隊蒞臨台南總部辦公室,專為KDAN團隊設計品牌引導課程,帶領成員們一步一步探索「數位賦能」的概念,並聆聽成員的想法,啟發自身在工作崗位上實踐數位賦能的可能? 樂高認真玩 (LEGO? SERIOUS PLAY?,簡稱 #LSP )是全球知名的創意啟發工具,強調「用手思考」(Hands-on, Minds-on)來培養創造力,並讓參與者團隊合作、平等交流想法,協助團隊成員達成共識和有效溝通。 ?? 查看凱鈿如何掌握幸福企業關鍵要素 ?? https://lnkd.in/griQX7tU #LEGO #LegoSeriousPlay #training #innovation #designthinking #teambuilding #creativity

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    "Information security has always been a top priority for KDAN," said Kenny Su, Founder and CEO of KDAN (TPEx: 7737). "We are thrilled to have successfully achieved #ISO27017, #ISO27018, and #ISO27001 certifications, reinforcing our commitment to information security." ?? https://lnkd.in/gQNzEQqp These internationally recognized standards enhance our commitment to providing secure, compliant, and high-quality AI-driven workflow and data solutions. Our three-tier security framework—covering infrastructure (ISO 27001), cloud security (ISO 27017), and personal data protection (ISO 27018)—ensures we meet the highest international standards and support our global B2B expansion.????????? ?? Learn more ?? https://lnkd.in/gQNzEQqp -- ???【歡慶通過!KDAN榮獲三項ISO資安認證】??? 升級資安防護體系,助力企業安心數位轉型 ?? https://lnkd.in/g44SkyaS KDAN 凱鈿(TPEx:7737)已成功取得 #ISO27001#ISO27017#ISO27018 三項國際資訊安全標準認證,成為台灣少數同時擁有三重資安防護體系的軟體服務商之一!這不僅是對產品與服務安全性的再強化,更展現了 KDAN 對全球企業用戶提供資安合規品質的高度承諾? 感謝每一位與 KDAN 攜手打造數位安全環境的客戶與夥伴,我們將持續提供多元的 AI 化工作流程及數據解決方案,以「#全球數位賦能領導品牌 」的角色,協助企業提升營運效能、確保數據安全,迎戰未來數位挑戰! ?? 點擊查看更多資訊 ?? https://lnkd.in/g44SkyaS #ISO #InformationSecurity #digitaltransformation #datasecurity #cloudsecurity #SaaS?

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    ??【2025 KDAN AI X #成大校園徵才博覽會】?? 站在 AI 與數位永續的浪潮上嗎? 快來領取你的「履歷快速通關PASS」 ?? https://reurl.cc/mRM8nl KDAN 提供企業 #AI 驅動的工作流程與數據解決方案,今年 2 月成功登錄興櫃 (TPEx:7737),我們正在尋找 #熱愛科技 #渴望快速成長 的數位人才(就是你!) ?? AI 火箭升空第二站:#成大校園徵才博覽會 ?? ?? 時間:3月16日(日)10:00-15:00 ?? 地點:中正堂 74號攤位? ??#4大攤位活動亮點搶先看 ? 拿好禮、抽大獎 2 分鐘完成履歷任務,即可獲得限量週邊,還有機會抽中 AirPods 3 ?? ?? HR 1-on-1求職諮詢 職涯迷惘?讓 KDAN HR 幫你釐清方向,加速成長! ? KDAN AI 專場介紹|掌握技術趨勢,職涯機會解析 11:40-12:00? KDAN AI 技術佈局 搶先了解 AI 未來藍圖,探索你的職場新可能! ? 數位永續種子培育計畫 現任學長姐們現身分享實習經驗 & 申請秘訣,助你提前卡位! 你的數位職涯,從 KDAN #74 號攤位 開始?? 按下啟程按鈕,來現場與我們互動 ?? https://reurl.cc/mRM8nl #數位永續 #KDAN #AI火箭 ?#Career #成大博覽會

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    Congratulations to the graduates!?? This week, nine outstanding KDANers successfully completed KDAN’s first MA Training Program. Recommended by department managers, they have been refining their management skills and strategic thinking for six months, and are now actively applying their expertise in the field. At the ceremony, KDAN’s COO, Erwin Lin, highlighted that “talent development” at the core of KDAN’s team management. He encouraged graduates to keep their momentum strong and inspire their teams, driving KDAN to greater heights!?? -- ??【管理人才職能培訓 | 第一屆MA先修班學員順利結業】??KDAN團隊共同成長,做好迎接市場挑戰的所有準備 自始創以來「#人才培育」 是KDAN團隊管理最重視的一環。隨著企業成長,領導團隊將針對公司下一階段的發展建立人才培育計畫。 從去年七月份開始的第一屆儲備幹部培訓班於本週結業,共計九位同仁由部門主管推薦,參加每月的管理課程,涵蓋自我覺察、團隊洞察及領導能力,全面培養基礎管理職能,強化管理思維,並將所學應用於工作崗位中。 KDAN營運長 Erwin Lin 在結業式提及,「#保有動力 」 是維持工作熱情和帶領團隊的關鍵之一,並勉勵結訓同仁持續傳遞熱情,而各單位主管們也錄製祝福影片,期許結訓夥伴與KDAN一起邁向下一個高峰。?? #TalentDevelopment #Leadership #TeamManagement

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    Last Friday, KDAN successfully held our first town hall meeting after the IPO!?Bringing KDANers from around the world together online, the executives shared their strategic vision and mindset, setting the stage for the company’s next chapter. “Our IPO is not just a milestone but a new beginning,” emphasized KDAN’s founder & CEO, Kenny Su. As KDAN embarks on this journey in the capital market, we're nurturing a “sport team culture” where every KDANer is ready to score wins for enterprises and investors! ? Follow us for the latest updates from KDAN! -- 【?7737閃耀興櫃|KDAN凱鈿 興櫃後首場員工大會迎向嶄新旅程?】 KDAN正式興櫃後的首場員工大會在西洋情人節盛大舉行,全球辦公室透過即時連線,串聯每一位KDANers見證這意義非凡的一刻。領導管理團隊在大會中向全體同仁分享興櫃後的工作心態及策略方針,為未來發展擘劃方向,引領團隊迎接全新挑戰。 KDAN董事長兼執行長 Kenny Su 致詞時強調:「公司興櫃不只是一個里程碑,更是新的起點。」如同年前在尾牙派對時提及的展望,KDAN在新的旅程將打造「球隊文化」,從內而外建立全新樣貌,為企業和投資人勇奪一場場商業勝利。 ? 追蹤KDAN,掌握最新動態 #TownHallMeeting #IPO #SportTeamCulture #Growth

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    Here is the all-in-one AI-driven solution you need to embrace the rise of document automation in 2025. ?? #ComIDP seamlessly integrates with your business systems, offering secure and tailored solutions for various industries. ?? https://lnkd.in/gMn46TTy Our document processing enables global companies to work safely and accurately, boosting efficiency and competitiveness. Key features include: ?? Intelligent Document Processing ?? Intelligent Document Extraction ?? Intelligent Document Q&A ?? Intelligent Information Recognition ?? Explore more and automate your business workflow today ?? https://lnkd.in/gMn46TTy -- ??【擁抱AI自動化 | 企業數位轉型的最佳夥伴】?? KDAN旗下產品ComIDP提供全面的AI文檔處理解決方案,助力全球企業輕鬆整合內部系統,打造安全、高效的數位化文件工作流程 ?? https://lnkd.in/ggvFgy6d ? 四大關鍵技術全面支援文件處理流程: ?? 智能資訊辨識 ?? 智能文件解析 ?? 智能文件萃取 ?? 智能文件問答 ?? 點擊了解更多,立即免費試用 ?? https://lnkd.in/ggvFgy6d #automation #ai #idp #ocr #rpa #workflow #document #digitaltransformation

  • KDAN转发了


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    ?? Exciting News! ?? We’re honored to share that DottedSign has been named App of the Day on the App Store for February 12, 2025, across 18 countries and regions! ?? This recognition highlights our commitment to providing a seamless, secure, and efficient eSigning experience for businesses and individuals worldwide. Thank you to our amazing users and team for making this possible! Try it today and see why we’re #OnTheAppStore! ?? https://lnkd.in/eEjYZgY6 #DottedSign #eSignature #Productivity #DigitalTransformation #AppOfTheDay

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    Embrace growth through self-discovery and let your successes illuminate your path! ?? In the second training session of the KDAN Digital Seed Internship Program, counseling psychologist Masaki led our interns through the innovative "Emotion Grid" experience, demonstrating how self-awareness transforms into professional strength. At KDAN, we are committed to talent sustainability and believe that true success starts from within. We empower every KDANer to thrive and shape a world of endless possibilities. ??? ? Follow us for more updates from KDAN! -- ??【 #數位永續種子培育計畫 |探索內在的平靜—認識情緒與自我照顧之旅】?? 數位永續種子培育第二站:溫柔面對錯誤,成功點亮未來?? 此次我們邀請了鄭詩怡諮商心理師,透過自身經驗與「情緒九宮格」遊戲,引導實習生們覺察自我的情緒,學習與之相處接納並照顧自我感受,更進一步模擬職場情境,討論如何在踏入職場後,在遇到逆境時如何成為自己最堅韌的後盾。 KDAN 一直以來致力於人才永續,深信實習不只是技能養成,更是一段探索自我、認識內心的旅程,期許每位數位永續種子都能習得「活得更好,走得更遠」的秘訣,勇敢迎接人生的種種挑戰!??? 加入我們,成為下一位數位永續種子 https://lnkd.in/gQES_ijS #intership #talent #sustainability #career #growth

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    【???? 重大里程 ─ KDAN凱鈿 #興櫃前法人說明會 圓滿成功 ???? 】今日登錄興櫃,強拓全球市場 ?? https://lnkd.in/gaP_24B8 KDAN凱鈿 (7737) 於4日舉辦興櫃前法人說明會,敬邀投資貴賓、券商長官及媒體朋友蒞臨台北君悅酒店,見證KDAN凱鈿從創業起步邁向資本市場的歷史成就? 感謝親臨現場的貴賓、長官對於KDAN凱鈿的支持,KDAN將持續以「全球 #數位轉型 領航者」的角色提供多元化的商業智能解決方案,擴大發展高度成長的海外 #SaaS 市場,掌握全球數位轉型浪潮。 ?? 點擊查看更多資訊 ?? https://lnkd.in/gaP_24B8 #milestone #SaaS #AI #EarningsCall #興櫃 #法人說明會

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KDAN 共 6 轮





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