Before our feeds get flooded with the usual pundits’ 2025 healthcare predictions, some hints of big news to come, plus thoughts and lessons from Karoo Health.
EMBRACE A WINNER MINDSET. From the beginning, we knew being the leader in cardiac VBC enablement meant augmenting our model of care (MoC) and technology with a large and powerful provider network to match. So, in 2023 and 2024, we did just that. Today, at the end of 2024, we proudly stand here with the unprecedented combination of partnerships that comprise over 700 cardiology providers across the country to work with us on VBC contracts and the dedication to continued iteration of best in class technology, further cementing Karoo Health as America’s Cardiac Solution?.
RESULTS MATTER MOST. Unlike many VBC companies before us, we began by focusing, with aligned provider partners, on proving the efficacy of our cardiac VBC MoC and technology. Our results were outstanding, best in class, and shocked even us: (1) 89% of patients recommended to Karoo Health by their cardiologist converted into the program; (2) 98% of patients in the program engaged digitally with us through our tech, and (3) Probably mostly excitingly, we diverted 30% of our patient panel from at least one ED visit (average cost ~$8,000 in cardiology) over the course of only six months. Being the only cardiac VBC enabler with actual results has enabled us to begin converting discussions to scoping, and scoping to contracting, making us the clear cut leader, ahead of any “competition” in cardiac VBC enablement that is rumored to exist.
HEALTHCARE CANNOT BE HURRIED. We founded our company on two basic axioms: (1) in a country where we continue to get sicker, and more than 90% of the spend is attributed downstream to the specialist, specialty VBC aligns incentives across the spectrum of, and is better for, patients, providers and payers, and (2) the recent momentum towards specialty VBC provides what may be the only opportunity to save the American healthcare system. Having not done outbound business development in over a year, we’re clearly on the right track. Nevertheless, healthcare moves slowly and deliberately. Conversations that we began nearly two years ago are only now materializing into national payer contracts. Watch this space in 2025.
LEARN FROM RESULTS. Sometimes, perhaps rarely, you’ll make the correct decision right off the bat. But know you will be wrong about many things along the way; just be right about where the puck is going. Incorporate the lessons from both successes and failures into moving forward. We have made our fair share of missteps along the way, but two things have served us well through the trials and tribulations of doing something completely novel: (1) an unwavering belief that VBC is the future of cardiology, and broadly specialty, care in America, and (2) embracing every misstep as a lesson and opportunity to learn and improve. Hold fast to this.